Chapter 18 : Sophie

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Third Person POV-

Caroline has slept all morning, Klaus decides to let her sleep with everything that happen last night. He looks at her and can't believe how far they have come. Caroline lays in the bed, with her blonde curls stretched out over the pillows. She is still naked with the sheet only covering the bottom half of her body.

He walks over and places a kiss on her cheek, she stirs a little and looks up at him. "Morning" She whispers. Klaus smiles at her as he touches her face.

"Sleep love, I will get everything ready for the move. Okay." He nods. Caroline smiles and turns over. While Klaus pulls the sheet up more to cover her. He gets up and walks out the room.

Elijah is walking in the hallway and stops "Everything, fine?" He asks.

"Yes, it will be once we get to the country estate. I think it's the best place for us now. Since my little evening with Marcel did not go as plan." He answers.

"Well, at least Rebekah got a good look at the priestess, we know she is helping him. So that has to be the reason he knows so much about the witches. I will call Sophie out tonight and tell her." Elijah says while nodding at Klaus.

"Very well" He answers. Before he picks his phone up, he stops " Oh...we have to decide what to do with Hayley." He says as he dials the number to some movers.

Klaus knows this move will be easy, they petty much have everything at the estate it just needs to be unloaded from storage. And the few things here. He figures he can have everything ready in two days.


Marie could not sleep last night, as she wakes up she enters the main room of her small apartment. Pulls out the sample she took from Caroline, and chants over it again. Same results, she wonders how could a vampire be pregnant. She believes things happen that we can't explain but this never.

She pulls out some old voodoo books and begins to read through them hoping she can find an answer. Marcel calls her and she picks up the phone, "Hello."

"Did you get what you need?" He asks.

"I may need a little more, but we have enough time, the moon cycle I need is three weeks away." Lying to him to get more time, she thinks this will work.

"I see, plenty of time then. I will have some of my vampires get on that then for you. After last night, It will not be so easy to get close to her." He shoots.

"Exactly." Marie agrees. As she hangs the phone up. She knew Caroline was different when she held the bracelet but not this different. Putting her head back in the book, to find something that will help her out.


Later in the afternoon, Caroline finally comes out. Rebekah and Stefan are out to lunch and Elijah is gone. She walks inside the nursery finding Klaus looking at the painting he did on the wall. She walks up behind him and grabs his waist. He leans back feeling her flush against him and places his hands over hers. "Its beautiful, I will miss it." she whispers.

"I will draw it in the other house too, I want him to see where I was happy." Klaus answers. His voice gets low and he turns facing Caroline. "He is gonna hear awful things about me. Things I have done, everyone I have hurt. Their blood is now on my child's head." He says walking towards the other half of the room.

"I put him and you in danger, for just being me. Never thinking any of this would be possible. How do we fix that. I want to fix it." He ponders not looking at Caroline he sits down in the rocking chair.

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