Chapter 10 : Marcel

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⬆️⬆️Caroline's outfit ⬆️⬆️
Third Person POV-

Marie walked down the long hall way towards Sophie's room. "You have a lot of nerve asking me here." She says, taking in the state of the room.

Sophie stops rustling the papers on the desk and looks at Marie. The two witches grew up together. After Sophie's family found out that Marie is a descendent of Marie Laveau voodoo queen of New Orléans she was forbidding to see her again. Sophie wanted to please her family and stayed away from her childhood friend.

"But you came." Sophie says smiling in the direction of her once friend. "If anyone knows you would."

Marie inches closer to the desk and picks up the bracelet. She holds it for a couple of minutes and then places it back on the desk. Looking up a Sophie "What did you feel?" Marie questions.

"I felt it did not belong to a vampire, which is what the little werewolf bitch told me. That she was his weakness and she was a normal vampire." Sophie shoots back, still angry that Hayley can not be found. Marie looks at her "She is a vampire but one of different heritage, not meant to be what she is now."

"Can we cast upon her?" Sophie asks

" Yes, you can" Marie spoke but still held her breath.

Sophie reads the concern "What?"

"It is really worth it, getting back at Marcel by calling his sire. His powerful immortal sire." Marie looks back at her.

"Yes, what he has taken can never be replaced. We need it, it's the only way for us to continue our craft." Sophie looks down at the papers, still looking for a trace of anything she felt when she touched Caroline's bracelet.

"Work with him, don't demand him it will only cause trouble. Arrange a meeting and make a deal." Marie turns towards the door. "It's the only way to keep the street from raining with blood." Marie walks out of the room. Back out on the streets she looks wondering if things could have been different between her and Sophie.


"Klaus." Elijah calls finding him wrapped around Caroline in the sitting room. As they look through more of the box. He walks in a stops, he is still getting use to his brother showing Caroline affection. Elijah has only saw this if his brother is trying to manipulate or gain information.

Both turning at the sound of him walking in. "Sophie wants to meet tonight. I'm guessing her little search for Hayley is turning up empty and she wants to negotiate."

Caroline smiles and moves from Klaus' lap, grabbing more papers along the way. Klaus smiles at her. "Very well but she is not running the show now, I am." Klaus says looking at his brother.

"She still has to answer to me." He finishes. Elijah agreeing with him. Klaus turns to Caroline. "Before you ask, no. You must stay here." He looks waiting for her to protest.

"I will give you two some time, meet me by the door when your ready." Elijah says making his way out of the room. Caroline moves closer to Klaus and grabs his hand. "Klaus...I can't stay hidden forever. Trust me I promise not to do anything." She says giving him her best face.

Klaus shakes his head and stands "No...I will not risk it, stay here and I promise to tell you everything when we get back." Klaus starts to put his jacket on as Caroline is following him around pleading.

"Klaus...what am I suppose to do here?" She says almost running into his back as he abruptly stops. Turning towards her he gives her a card.

Placing his hands on her shoulders "you know the area's to stay in, where I have taken you. Talk to no one Caroline..." he pauses.

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