Chapter 9 : Family History

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Third Person POV-

Bonnie speaks to her grandmother about the Forbes family. Grams did not handle the information well, when she told her about Caroline. So Bonnie picks up the phone to call her.


Caroline and Klaus are sitting on the balcony when she calls.

"Hey, Bonnie." Caroline answers.

"Caroline." Bonnie says smiling. "We don't have much time, are you and Klaus alone?" She asks.

"Yes, we are." Caroline and Klaus move inside and take a seat on the couch. "Okay." Caroline breathes "I'm ready."

"Caroline...the veil is down it is chaos in Mystic Falls. Grams is here along with all the other ghosts." Bonnie explains before letting her grandmother speak.

Caroline looks at Klaus and sighs "Maybe I should come back." Klaus is about to protest when Bonnie beats him to it. "No!!" She yells "You are safe with Klaus, stay with Klaus."

"Caroline...Caroline do you hear me!!" Bonnie shouts.

Caroline frowns "Yes, I hear you but..." Bonnie cuts her off "No will understand when I tell you or when Grams tells you." Caroline drops her mouth she has not heard Grams in over a year. She knows that is a hard thing for Bonnie to deal with losing her grandmother. They have all lost so much.

"Caroline..." Grams calls to her.

"Grams..." Tears swell in Caroline's eyes as she answers.

"There is not a lot of time...but this information will help you understand whats in that box." Grams pauses

Klaus goes and gets the box out of the bedroom and vamps back towards the couch. He glances up at Caroline and takes her hand. "It's okay sweetheart." He says.

Grams breathes heavy hearing his voice, she knows everything about the original hybrid and is not pleased with him and Caroline being together. She continues.....

"The legend of wulver some think as just lore, this clan lived along the Scottish Highlands. They stayed far away because of what they were. Werewolves but not the beast we are familiar with." Grams pauses. " still with me."

"Yes." She says holding on tightly to Klaus's hand.

"This clan was strong-willed and stubborn. They longed to be part of society so the drive towards being human started to manifest itself when they changed. These wolves had the ability to fight the urge. So they help people instead of killing them..." Grams is interrupted by Klaus.

"Thats impossible, Only an original would have that control." Klaus says thinking back to the time he saw Caroline and Stefan in the woods. He still was unclear if he could control his urge if he turned around Caroline.

"Again...this is the legend. Many things have taken place around this world hybrid. Before your mother did what she did for her children." Grams says sternly towards Klaus.

He sits back on the couch and listens to the rest of the story.

"This clan would help people who got lost in the highlands back to the villages, they only feed on fish from the lakes. Legend has member of this clan help a powerful sorceress to safety during a storm. As a gift she cast a spell on the clan breaking their curse because she said they were different. Strong, able to fight the urge of the beast, because their will to keep their humanity drove them more."

Caroline gasps "Wait so your telling me that my descendants were werewolves but their curse was broken by a witch."

Grams giggles a little "Not only was the curse broken, she fell in love with that wolf that saved her and they had a child. Which is where your line starts from. Your father spent part of his life searching for this information."

Klaus questions "This makes no sense, What does that have to do with Caroline?"

"It was the spell that was cast, it never took away the gene. So the child still carried the werewolf gene. You know this to be true hybrid. Not ever child from a werewolf we be a werewolf but they still carry the gene."

Caroline thinks back to what her father said to her in that dungeon, "You were never meant to be this. You can't be a vampire." She repeats out loud. Klaus looks over at her.

"Thats what my father said to me when he tried to break me. He is the one that showed Tyler how to break the sire bond." Caroline says shaking a little as she puts the pieces in her head. Klaus looks at her not fully understanding.

"Klaus my father could not be compelled, he was very strong." she says. Grams nods her head at Bonnie.

"You get it now are not a werewolf but you do have certain traits that have carried from your descendants. Bonnie tells me your good at your controlling your urge to feed, that your strong for a young vampire. Is that true?"

" is." Caroline answers.

"Thats all I know sweetie look in the box for the rest. I miss you girls and I'm sorry that all this has happened to you all." Grams says "Now...Klaus." She calls.

"Yes." He answers.

"You take care of Caroline...I know you love her. But you keep her from your darkness because if you don't you will take away her light, her humanity." Grams hands the phone back to Bonnie.

Klaus let's go of Caroline's hand and gets up, pacing the room. Thinking about what Grams said to him. How could he keep Caroline from his darkness? How could he make sure she does not turn into a monster like him. Caroline knows exactly what he is thinking.

"Bonnie...thank you so much. I miss you. You keep me posted on everything okay." Caroline says all the information still sinking in.

"I love you Care bear." Bonnie says before hanging up.

Caroline gets up off of the couch and walks over to Klaus. She wraps her arms around him. Holding him tight "Hey...its okay. I am your sunshine so as long as I keep you with me. There's no dark."

Klaus turns around and grabs her face kissing her passionately "Please don't ever let me promise."

Caroline nods her head. "I promise my wolf...never to let you go."

Later that night as Caroline tells Elijah what Grams has told her. She notices Klaus left them for the night. She knows he is struggling internally with what Bonnie's grandmother told him. Caroline tells Elijah he can look through the box if he would like to and bids him goodnight.

Caroline walks in to the room, he is already lying in the bed as she makes her way closer. Caroline removes her clothes and gets in the bed. She does not sleep with nighties on that much, since Klaus removes them anyway. As she moves closer to him he reaches for her. Kissing her and rubbing his hands all over her body. "Caroline..." He calls to her, she answers by wrapping her legs around him. Needing him closer. Klaus is lost in her. He has never been so enchanted by anything. He looks up at her with hooded eyes and takes her nipple in his mouth. She moans moving her hands all over his strong body.

He moves down her body applying wet kisses along her stomach and hips. Touching every inch of her he can. He places a finger in her sweet bud. "Your already so wet for me love. you drive me crazy." He mumbles as his fingers continues to work. Moving in and out of her. Caroline's body is on fire, she can barely contain her self. No man has ever made her feel like he does. Klaus wants to claim her, make her forget all others she has ever been with. His fangs drop as he kisses her inner thigh. Caroline is coming undone and he sinks his teeth in her. Caroline screams out in pleasure, not realizing Klaus is feeding from her until she opens her eyes.

Stunned but turned on by it, she rubs her hands through his hair. "Klaus..." She whispers. As her blood moves through his body, he feels her warmth brush over his. He could never let her go, never see another man touch her or even think about touching her. This night he has claimed her as his. As he removes his teeth from her inner thigh he removes his fingers and licks them. Caroline grabs him as he places his manhood at her entrance. He slowly slides inside of her. Making her feel him completely.

As their bodies move in sync, they kiss passionately. As he nears Caroline is ready to taste him. He turns his neck giving her better access and she drops her fangs. Caroline bites him and he releases inside of her. Caroline feels herself coming undone also. The room fills with their passionate moans.

Klaroline - The Light and the DarknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora