Chapter 2 : The Falls

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Third Person POV-

They go to the falls, Caroline looks around wondering why they are here. He comes around and opens the door for her. She has always been intrigued about how he can go from being a perfect gentlemen to a psychotic killer in mere seconds. As she talks his hand, he guides them further down to a clearing right in front of the falls.

"I still find this place breathtaking" He says looking at her with bright eyes. Caroline smiles as he offers her a seat. Klaus has made them a little picnic. She glances down at what she is wearing. Some old sweats and a sweater. Klaus picking up on her discomfort. "Don't worry love, just us." He says.

Caroline giggles a little "You think you know me so well." She eyes him playfully waiting for his answer.

"What I don't know, I'm more than willing to learn." He smirks.

As they sit he pours a glass of wine laced with blood. Making sure to let Caroline see the blood bag. She takes the glass and looks towards the falls, releasing a much-needed breath. She can feel him looking at her, that always makes her slightly uneasy.

Klaus looks to her and can tell she is uneasy. He can't help the spell she has cast upon him. He longs for her touch and attention, like a child wanting approval. He snickers as he thinks about this baby vamp, who has bewitched him.

Caroline hears and turns her head towards him. "What?" She laughs a little. Klaus says nothing. "Are we bashful now?" She asks playfully.

"Okay let's play a game." She shoots out at him, turning her body towards him. Now sitting crisscross applesauce style on the blanket. Klaus looks at how comfortable she has gotten and smiles a little on the inside.

"I'm far to old to play games, sweetheart." He replies back.

Caroline throws her hands up and smiles "This is what friends do." Tilting her head and smiling at him.

He gives her a serious look mixed with a pout, "You have to play fair, love. You know what that smile does to me."

"Klaus, stop being cute." Realizing she quickly continues "The game is called getting to know each other. How it works is I ask you a question and you answer, then same with me." Caroline finishes and looks towards the hybrid, now drawing his attention.

"Okay, I'm in." He answers. Turning his body towards her.

"Cool!" She says twisting her shoulder in excitement. "First question, who is your favorite sibling?" Caroline looks, waiting for him to answer. Before Klaus can respond, she waves her finger "You have to tell the truth, please." She says with a cute sassy face. That only Caroline can pull off. He laughs raising his hands in defeat "Okay..."

"Rebekah. I'm close to Elijah too, but she has been with me the longest." He answers.

"Plus she is my only sister and I'm her big brother." He chuckles. Looking towards her as she nods. "Well, for you who is your closest friend?"

"I would say Elena" she replies looking down. "Yeah we always had a little envy, and jealously going on but I feel like that's what real siblings have too." Caroline gets quiet and does not look at Klaus.

"Sorry, for bringing that up" He mumbles.

She shakes her head. "No, its okay. I'm having fun and that's what I need now." She answers.

"My turn...favorite childhood memory?" He nods his head in her direction. Waiting...

" far my dad taking me to Disney world. It's a theme park by the way. The best place on earth." She smiles enjoying the memory as it plays out in her head. "He knew I love Cinderella so he took me to her palace." She chuckles.

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