Byler oneshot

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Will was in his room getting ready for the day. He had school so he put on one of his favorite sweaters and some jeans. He fixed up his hair in the mirror and walked out of his room to the kitchen to see his brother making breakfast. His mom saying bye and leaving off to work, both of her sons saying bye as well. After Jonathan finished making breakfast, Will ate his and so did his brother. Both boys put their plates in the sink, Jonathan saying he would do dishes later. They both left out the door going to Jonathan's car. Will sat in the front, his brother starting the car and heading off to take will to school. Once they reached Hawkins middle, Will got out of the car saying goodbye to his brother. Jonathan left off to Hawkins high which was a crossed from Hawkins middle. Will saw one of his friends waiting for him at the entrance of the building. It was mike. Will smiled when he saw him. Mike smiled back at his best friend. "Wheres Dustin and Lucas?" Will asked. "I guess their late. Let's head inside" mike told will. The brunette nodded, the two heading inside the building. They walked to their lockers to get what they needed before heading off to their first hour class. Once they got there they saw Dustin and Lucas in their seats talking. Will thought they were late. Will shrugged it off going to his seat as well as mike did. All four friends got through the school day just like any other day. They all said goodbye as they headed their ways. Mike and will went to mikes house, Dustin and Lucas heading their separate ways. Once the two boys reached mikes house they bolted downstairs to the basement, mikes mom yelling saying to not run in the house. But the two boys just ignored her laughing. When the two boys got situated downstairs they both agreed on playing games and watching tv afterwards and reading some comics after. Both mike and will cleaned up their messes after they played games and read comics. Both mike and will hung out with each other each and every day after school. Theres one thing that will has never told anyone. Especially mike. Will thought if he told anyone or even mike, everything would be ruined. Then mike got the idea of playing truth or dare. Will hesitated at first but then agreed with mike that he would play. So they sat down by the couch and sat in front of each other, mike going first. "Alright truth or dare will" mike said. Will thought before anwsering. He didn't want to go for truth so he went ahead and decided go for dare. "Dare" will told his best friend. But Will didn't know that his friend was gonna turn it into a twist. "I dare you to tell me the truth of one thing you have never told anyone" mike said looking at Will. Will looked at mike. His mouth opened to say something but he never said anything. He opened his mouth once again but nothing came out. Will couldn't just blurt out that he liked his best friend. He didn't want to ruin his friendship with mike. So will had to only do one thing, lie. But he didn't want to lie. So he decided to tell his friend of how he felt. "I-" will started but mike cut him off. "Will it's ok, take your time" mike told his friend. Will shook his head. "Mike" Will muttered. Mike looked at him. "Yeah?" Mike said quietly. Will didn't want to tell mike that he was into boys. Will was scared of what mike would say or do. He didn't want to get rejected or even feel rejected by his best friend. "I- I'm-" will's heart picked up speed. "I'm not into girls mike" will blurted out. He looked down and away feeling tears at the brim of his eyes. Mike had an idea of what will meant and sat closer to Will putting his arm around him. Will flinched thinking that mike was gonna hurt him. But he felt an arm going around his waist. Will looked up at mike to see him smiling. Will smiled at mike. "No matter how you feel will, I'll always be here" mike told his best friend. "Thanks mike" will said quietly putting his head on mikes shoulder. Mike smiled putting his head on wills. Both boys sat there in a comfortable silence. It was getting late after awhile. Mike broke the silence by speaking. "So- do you plan on staying over? You can if you want" mike said. Will was on the couch while mike sat next to him. Will has his knees pulled up to his chest. "I didn't bring any clothes with me" will said looking at mike. Mike chuckled. "It's okay, you can borrow some of my clothes" will smiled at that, then kinda frowned. "Are you sure mike?" Will asked. Mike nodded at Will getting up and pulled Will up off the couch. Mike and will went upstairs and bolted for mikes room. Mike figured his mom was probably asleep on the couch. Will sat on mikes bed while mike got Will some clothes for him. Mike eventually found some pajamas for Will. Mike walked over to him smiling a bit. "Thanks mike- you don't have to-" mike cut Will off before he could finish his sentence. "It's ok- I don't mind" mike told will. Will smiled and got up to use the bathroom to change but mike stopped him. "You can change in here while I change in the bathroom" mike said. Will looked down with a slight blush. He nodded while mike went and grabbed some pajamas, heading out to use the bathroom. Will sighed. He had a slight crush on his best friend. He didn't want to say anything because he didn't want to get rejected by his friend. So will got changed into his pajamas, he was slow at it. He had his pants on but not his shirt. He heard a knock on the door looking at it. "It's me mike. Can I come in?" Will cleared his throat throwing on his shirt. "Yeah. You can come in" the brunette said. Mike opened the door smiling at Will. Will smiled and sat on mikes bed. Mike and will both got situated. Will wasn't all that tired yet. Neither was mike. They were both laying down facing away from each other. They both turned towards each other at the same time. They couldn't get to sleep so the two boys sat up looking at each other. "Mike" will said while the mike said "Will". They both looked down and smiled. Will looked back up at mike and sat closer to him putting his head on mikes shoulder. Mike smiled reaching for Will's hand. Will smiled and held mikes hand. They both had smiled on their faces. Mike kissed the top of Will's head. Will's heart was beating so fast he thought that mike could hear it. Mike looked down at Will and used his free hand and lifted Will's head up. Will looked at mike. Mike leaned in and kissed Will. The smaller boy kissed back smiling. Mike pulled away looking at Will. "I love you mike" Will told mike. Mike smiled at the smaller boy. "I love you too Will" mike told him. Eventually the two boys fell asleep peacefully smiling from ear to ear. Both mike and will had fun hanging out with each other that entire day.


Hey guys what's up? I hope you all liked this one shot I made. I know it's crappy and all but I have one other story that I worked on if any of you want to go take a look at that. Chapter 4 took me almost 2-3 or 4 months to write so please go easy on me. I love you guys sm 💘🌹😊 hope ur day/night goes good 🌸😊

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