Other Person

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A/N: this story is gonna be a long one I think. One of my friends helped me with this idea. Even though she doesn't have an account for wattpad. I'm gonna give her a shoutout to her even though she doesn't have an account. So thx to her 😁😁🙈😜👌🏼😍😍

Harry's POV:

Hello. I've been dating this really cute guy named Niall. He is just the cutest thing ever. I don't want anything to happen to us. We've been dating for about a year now to be exact. Currently me and him are at my house watching a movie. Oh yea. I forgot to mention that Niall hates scary movies. The last time we watched a scary movie, Niall wouldn't sleep at his house for almost a week, because he was so scared. But he's ok now. Both of us are cuddling and giving each other kisses every once in awhile and smiling. God I love him so much. He's he best thing that has ever happened to me. I really don't want to lose him. If I did, I don't know if I could live with myself. Niall looks up at me with his blue eyes and smiles at me. I look down at him and he just blushes and hides into my chest. I chuckle and just kiss his head.

Niall's POV:

Currently I'm watching a movie with Harry. But I'm also hiding my face in Harry's chest. God I love him. If we ever broke up, I probably wouldn't know what to do. Everything is just perfect right now. Me and Harry have been dating for a year now. Wow. A year. It's been, a year. I can't believe it. It's crazy just thinking about it. My life is awesome. Oh yea, everyone is ok with us dating. But there's some people who think it's not ok and just wrong. But I don't give a shit about those people. I mean I care about everyone, just not the people who say it's not ok for people like us to date. I don't give a fuck about what those people say. I love my life the way it is. I look up at Harry and see that he's paying attention to the movie. I kiss his cheek and he looks at me. He kisses me and I kiss back. I smile into the kiss and he does the same. I put my hand behind his neck and play with his hair, curling my fingers through his hair making him chuckle. I smile and pull away. He smiles and runs his hand through my hair and I blush a little and smile. God I love him. He means everything to me. I'm gonna make sure that nothing will come between us.

*1 week later*

Crystal's POV:

Right now, I'm sitting on the couch and the tv is on, but I'm not paying any attention to it though. My mom walks in and tells me that she needs to talk to me. I get confused and nod at her. I get up putting my phone away, walking with her to the kitchen. She gives me something to drink. Eventually, she tells me that we have to move. I tell her that I don't want to move because I have great friends and I don't want to leave my friends behind. She tells me that we move in 2 days. I sigh and just walk out saying a soft ok. I walk to my room and shut the door. I plug in my headphones and lay in bed. Next thing I know the next day comes and it's only 8:00 in the morning. I sigh and go to school, come home, and walk to the living room. It's just the same routine over and over. The next day comes and I realize that today is my last day being here. Oh yea, I forgot to tell you. I live in California. It's awesome here. I love it. I don't understand why mom wants us to move. I'm in my room right now. I hear my mom yell for me. "Yeah?" I yell back to her. She's probably at the bottom of the staircase. "Are you ready crystal?" I sigh. We're leaving today. I can't believe I have to leave all my friends behind. I mean, I do have their number. I could always text them or call them. I get my bag ready that's full of clothes and all the stuff I need. "Yea, I think I am" I say. I hear her walk in. I turn around and see her standing there. She walks over to me and smiles a bit. "Alright, well....our flight leaves in 2 hours, ill give you a few minutes if you need it ok?" She tells me. I nod and she smiles walking out. I look up, looking around my room.

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