Taegyu (vampire au) pt 2

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HEYYYY WHATS UP?! ITS YA GIRL, Sienna! (: (: SUP?! Okay n e way, I was thinking- what if I did a part two to this? The first part was really fun for me that's why I wanna make another part to it. PLZ ENJOY! (: (:


Beomgyu was sitting on his roof. His father had just left him to be alone a few hours ago. A few cars and few people went by every now and then. He sat there. He didn't go anywhere. He just sat there.

He remembered the last conversation he had with the red haired boy.


"Beomgyu hyung?" Taehyun asked turned around to face the older. The older was facing away from the younger. "What's wrong hyung? Are you okay?" the younger asked again. Taehyun was a bit scared.

Beomgyu cleared his throat. His eyes had shifted back to normal. He was looking down. "I'm fine Taehyun-ah" the older said. He cleared his throat, hand running through his hair looking back up.

"I think I'm gonna go okay?" Beomgyu said slightly looking over his shoulder. "But you can't" the younger said" the younger said sadly.

"I'm sorry, I had a lot of fun, don't worry Taehyun-ah" beomgyu said. Beomgyu then walked out the front door shutting it behind him zooming off.

~Flashback ends~

Beomgyu had tears running down his face. He wiped his tears away sniffling. He sighed looking down. He then heard talking in the distance. He looked up again wiping his face once more.

He stood up quickly going to the side of his house on the roof. He leaned against his house looking around the corner. There his friends were, taking a late night walk.

It was Soobin and HueningKai and yeonjun. Beomgyu then wondered to himself where Taehyun was. He saw them walk by his house. He stopped looking around the corner leaning against his house.

He tried listening to what his friends we're talking about but it was to hard to listen right now. There were cars going by and other people outside.

Beomgyu closed his eyes trying so hard to not cry again. He opened his eyes seeing they had walked past his house by now. He then quickly and quietly went back by his bedroom window climbing inside.

He shut his window once he was in his room. He stood there staring out his window. He sniffed as a tear escaped his eyes. "This isn't fair" beomgyu mumbled to himself.

He wiped his face for the thousandth time that night. Beomgyu stood up straight walking over to his bed. He still had to change into pajamas and shower. He didn't feel like doing that.

He took his shoes off and just laid in bed staring up at the ceiling. He laid on his side and cuddled up to his pillows a little. He thought to himself for a while until he eventually fell asleep.

| ➕✖️➕ |

It's been almost a full month now since beomgyu had last seen his friends. He wanted to see them. But his dad told him to not go out for awhile. Beomgyu was in bed asleep.

The sun then shines through beomgyus window. He groaned rolling over to his other side facing away from his window. He didn't feel like getting out of bed but he knew he had to at some point.

He opened his eyes rubbing them. He groaned sitting up swinging his legs over the bed. He shook his head ruffling his hair up a little.

He then noticed he had clothes on from the day before. He shook his head. He stood up going over to his closet grabbing what he saw first. He then walked out his bedroom and towards the bathroom.

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