Jyan (Jack and Ryan from pants on fire)

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A/N: HEY GUYS! It's me again. I just decided to write this Bc why tf not. 🤷🏼‍♀️😱😱🤷🏼‍♀️ but anyway I hope you enjoy this. Bye. P.S imma put a A's/N in the end so, yea bye for now.


Ryan's POV:

Hey. My name is Ryan. I hang out with my best friend jack. His talent/secret is to lie. He lies and I don't think it's a good idea but he does. I have no idea why he thinks that but I think the opposite. But anyway, I'm gonna tell you that I'm gay for jack. I have no idea about jack though. He's so cute and adorable. If me and him were together, I'd just love to kiss him all over and- ya know what, never mind. Currently I'm walking home. But I think that jack got home already. Once I get home I ask if I can go to jacks house. My parents say that it's ok and I head over. I knock on jacks door and he smiles when he opens the door. "Hey Ryan, what's up?" He asks. "Just wanted to come over" I shrugged a bit. He opened the door a bit to let me in. He smiled and I walked in saying 'thanks'. We walked to his room and his parents saying something about dinner being ready in a few minutes or so. Both of us talking while doing homework. Afterwards we put our stuff away and hear jacks mom say that dinner was ready. We head downstairs and eat, all of us laughing and smiling. After that we hang some more.


Jack's POV:

So. You know who I am. I'm good at lying. It's what I do. My friend Ryan, I have no idea what he can do. I mean I have other friends but I mostly just hang with Ryan. Me and Ryan hang all the time. I know, I know, I shouldn't be lying but it's my thing. I lie. Oh, and one other thing, I'm gay for Ryan. If he knows or finds out, our friendship is over. He probably doesn't even like me the way I like him. If I even tried I'll probably mess everything up. I really don't know what to do. Well, maybe if I look on the good side, he will probably like me back. But on the bad side, he's probably gonna hate my guts and stop being my friend. Right about now I'm on my computer while Ryan is talking about something he has done the day before. Basically he's ranting on and on about it. "Hey um jack?" I hear him say. I turn around in my computer chair and look at him. "Yea?" He smiles. I smile back at him. God he's cute, he's adorable to. I mentally start to have a image of me and him kissing and making out. I didn't notice that I have a smirk on my face until Ryan said something. "Jack, why r u smirking?" He asked confused. I shake my head and turn back to my computer. "Nothing, it's nothing" I say. Basically I'm just playing around on my computer, playing a few games.

*next day*

Ryan's POV:

Currently I'm in my room. Today is Saturday. Yesterday was Friday. Thankfully it's the weekend. I get a text from Jack. He said that his parents were gonna be out of town for awhile. I texted back asking for how long. There's a knock on the door and I run to get it to see it's Jack. I smile and let him in. He walks in and goes straight to my couch, sitting down. I walk over, sitting next to him. My mom is making food. "My parents are gonna be gone for a two days I think" Jack said all of the sudden. I smile. We decided to go to his house and talk and stuff. While we talk, he just starts talking about what lie hes gonna come up with on monday. I laugh a bit and walk over to his bed. I sit on the edge of the bed and he notices me sitting there but he just keeps blabbering on whats gonna happen on monday. The next thing I know that im doing is putting my hand on his and he stops talking. He looks at me and I look at him. We stare at each other for a good two minutes and he chuckles and looks away. I look down and pull my hand away. He seemed a bit sad when I pulled away but I'm guessing he will be ok later. "so jack, do you want anything? I could get-" he shakes his head no and says that hes fine. I smile at him and he smiles back.


Jack's POV:

I'm laying on my bed waiting for Ryan to come back. He said he had to run downstairs for minute. I have no idea what he's doing. I sigh and get up from my bed and walk downstairs to see him in my kitchen trying to make food. I chuckle to myself and walk over to him. "Need a bit of help?" I say making him jump a bit. He puts his hand over his chest sighing deeply. "You scared me Jack" he said looking at me. I smile at him. He smiles back. "But no I don't need help. I'm fine" he said. I shrug and say ok going back upstairs. I go back to my room and run my hand through my hair and take a deep breathe. What this boy does to me, oh my god. I walk over to my mirror and look at myself. I hear footsteps coming back upstairs and see Ryan. I turn around to look at him I smile. He smiles. He has two plates, one for me and one for him. He gives me a plate. It has toast and eggs on it. He basically made me breakfast. But that's ok. I don't mind. "Thanks man" I said putting my fist up for a fist bump. He gives me a fist bump back and we both sit on my bed and eat. We both finish up quite quickly and watch tv for a little while. The plates were on my side table that I had. I got up to go put the plates away. Ryan stays on my bed to watch tv. While I'm downstairs I hear the doorbell ring. I walk over to the window to see who's here. My sister. No. Why is she here? I open the door and smile nervously. "Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at a friends house?" I asked. "Uh. I live here? And no. I'm fine" she said walking over to the couch. 'Great. My sister is here' I think to myself. I go back upstairs to my room to see that Ryan fell asleep. He's so cute. Wait. What did I say? He would never like me like that. Why am I saying this stuff about him? Ugh. Whatever. I walk over to him and lay next to him pulling a blanket over us. He's laying down while I'm sitting up. He comes closer to me and I gently put my arm around his shoulder. God he's so cute. I look down at him smile a bit. I bring my hand up and run my hand through his hair. I swear I thought I saw him smile a little. I suddenly get tired and lay down a bit but I still have my arm around him. He cuddles up to me and we both sleep like that.


A/N: Heyyyyy waassuupp?? It's me sienna. Guess what you guys?? I GRADUATED FROM HIGH SCHOOL!! IM SO HAPPY 😁😁❤️❤️🙈🙈 and also a s/o to my cousin because she said she shipped these two together. I have no idea if you guys have seen this movie or not- if so, go watch it. It's rlly good tbh. I will see you guys next time or something! I love you my lovelies 😁😁🌸🌸❤️❤️🙈🙈 HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT WHEREVER YOU GUYS LIVE! 😁😁 SEE YA! ❣️💘

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