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Hi. My name is Dan Howell. I'm taking a walk down to the park with my son Luke. (A/N: lol, no not Luke Hemmings, I'm Sorry) He has light brown hair and brown eyes. He is 6 years old right now. I love this kid a lot and he's very sweet and adorable. He loves going to park. It's his favorite thing to do. Sometimes he likes to play video games with me, every time I'm playing on the Xbox. He wins every time, but he doesn't know that I let him win, cuz I don't want to see him upset. Once we get to the park he runs up in front of me, turns around to look at me with his sweet little smile of his. God, I love this kid to much, he means the world to me. I see a bench and walk over to it and sit down watching him play. "Daddy look!" I hear him say. I look at him and he does a little dance move and I give him a smile, only causing him to giggle a bit. God I love to him to much. My phone buzzes and take my phone out looking at it. I look up and see Luke running over to me and sits down next to me. I smile and look down at my phone again seeing I got a text from my old friend from university. His name was Andrew. We dated for awhile during university, but he ended up cheating on me with some girl I never hung out with or seen before. After we broke up, he wanted to be friends again, the first time he asked me that I said no but the second time he asked, I told him that I would give him a chance at being my friend again, because before we started dating we were good friends. I haven't realized that a tear was escaping my eyes, until luke said something. "Daddy, what's wrong?" He asked looking at me. I looked at him and smiled, wiping the tear away from my face and putting my phone away. "It's nothing luke, I promise" I told him smiling a little. He tickles my side and tries to cheer me up, causing me to laugh a little. "Thanks Luke" I told him, ruffling his hair. He smiles and tries to fix his hair. "C'mon, lets go home" I said starting to stand up. He nods and stands with me, reaching for my hand putting his in mine, me holding his hand. We walk towards my house, but he saw the Starbucks place. "Can we go in there daddy?" He asked me. I chuckle at him, giving him a small smile. "Sure" I said walking in with him. We walk over to the counter and I get myself a latte while I order my son a hot chocolate. We sit down at a table. "Dad, can I play a game on your phone?" Luke asks me. I take my phone out and give him my phone and unlocks it playing one of the games I have on there. I downloaded a few games on there for him to play when he gets bored. I take a sip of my latte, looking out the window a bit, seeing a guy walk in. Then I realize. Oh no, it can't be. He texted me earlier saying he was in town, but he didn't say he was gonna come and see me. I set my cup down and look at Luke still on my phone drinking his hot chocolate. He walks in and goes up to the counter and orders his drink. "Daddy look" like says snapping me back to reality. "Yes Luke?" I say looking at him. He shows me his high score. I smile and give him a high five. "Hey dan, how are you?" I sigh and look at Andrew. "I'm good, what about you?" I look at him and smile a bit. "I'm good, who's this cutie?" He asks motioning to Luke. I smile looking at him, Luke means everything to me. If I lost him, I don't know what I would do without him. "That's Luke" I say still looking at Luke. Luke looks up from my phone and smiles shyly. "Say hi Luke" I say to Luke. "Hi" he says to Andrew. "How old are you Luke?" Andrew asks him. "I'm six" he said to Andrew. "That's adorable, your a cutie" Andrew tells Luke. Luke smiles shyly with a small 'thank you'. I finish my drink, along with talking to Andrew. Luke finishes his hot chocolate after. "Alright bud, should we go now?" I ask looking at Luke. He nods and we both get up, throwing away our cups and walk out, him holding my hand. We walk back to the flat and go inside, Luke racing to the lounge and starting up the Xbox. I smile and walk over next to him, grabbing the other controller. "MarioCart!" Luke yells with a smile on his face. Both of us play a round or two and he ends up winning of course. I look to see that it's almost eight and see that he's rubbing his eyes, yawning. "Awe, is someone getting sleepy?" I ask him, ruffling his hair a bit. He nods and I turn the tv off, picking him up and walking him to my room and setting him down, putting the covers over him. I gave him a kiss on the head and walk over to turn the nightlight on for him, and walking over to turn the light off. After putting him to bed I walk back to the lounge and taking my phone out to see that I have a text from Andrew. "Hey, so I was wondering if maybe I could come over, it's ok if I can't" I text back saying that he could come over some other time, but not tonight because I don't want him to wake Luke up. I set my phone down and lay on the couch, covering myself up falling asleep.

Hey! It's me again. So I know this is just as crappy as the last two were. I just wanted to end this, cuz I didn't know what else to put. I felt so bad for dan when I wrote this. Other then that, I love how this turned out. I really hope you guys enjoyed this and plz leave a comment and vote for this, I worked hard on this for maybe about 2 days? I'm not sure but I loved this. Plz no hate on this. I love you my lovelies ❤️💯😍😁

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