Chap 3 - Nick is a Prick and I Get Claimed

Start from the beginning

Chiron smiled brightly, "Full credit, Mr. Chaos. Now, Mrs. Dodds, if you could kindly lead us out side for break."

Everything began roll out the same as last time. Nancy approached Nick, and dropped her sandwich in his lap. "Opps." Her grin was just as bad as I remembered, though now I was watching as Nick received it. As he started to turn red, Grover tried to calm him. "It's ok, I like peanut butter." And, just like last time, it had almost no effect. Nick's anger grew, and I saw the water reach upwards and lightly splash Nancy. I scoffed. At least I managed to drag her into the fountain! Honestly, Nico would probably be better at water manipulation than Nick. I once again focused on the action after hearing Nancy's shriek. "Mrs. Dodds! Nick splashed me!" I watched excitedly as Alecto strolled over to scold Nick. She said the same things, and demanded he follow her back into the museum. This, is where things get interesting. 

After walking further in, Alecto began to say more cryptic, and strange things. She began to talk about the trouble Nick was causing, and of the bolt. Before transforming into her true self, she saw me, hiding in the shadows. She gave me a wink, before resuming the act, and transforming. As Alecto lunged at Nick, he began shaking violently, before he fainted. I laughed, and emerged, swinging my swords at full force. Alecto turned, then attacked. I swung my sword, though shadow traveled her away before I could actually harm her.

Now I turned, and true to before, Chiron and Grover were standing by the door. Grover's mouth was hanging open, but Chiron only had that familiar sparkle in his eyes. "You should send a message to Sally, let her know what's happened. And get this idiot to camp so he can get some proper training, so as to not kill himself." I indicated to Nick as I spoke.

Chiron nodded, and replied, "Indeed, Grover, please wake up Mr. Jackson. I shall see you three at camp." By the time he had finished speaking, he had already wheeled halfway to the door.

It was a quiet walk to the apartment, but when we got there, things got frantic. Grover was practically yelling the story, and Sally stood in shock. She then turned to me, and said, "Percy pack your things, and for your brother as well. You need to get to camp." I nodded my agreement, and walked to the room I shared with Nick. In the back of my mind, I could hear her explaining the situation to Nick, as well as what his father was.

I slowly grinned as I packed as many rocks as I could into Nick's bag, while in mine, I packed the essentials as well as a few luxury items. I hoisted the bags onto my shoulders, and walked down to the living room, where I saw Nick passed out on the couch, while his best friend and mother desperately tried to wake him. I rolled my eyes at the stupidity of the situation, though still amusing. When he did wake, we rushed him to the car. 

On the road, he wouldn't stop with the questions. It was frustrating how little he knew. Was I really like this upon discovering the greek world? Quickly, we passed the 'Pick Your Own Strawberries' sign, and I braced myself for impact. Sure enough, a bright flash collided with the car, sending us flying. Then I found something worse than Nick's questions; his shrill screaming. Just like last time, Grover was knocked unconscious. "Nick, go. Go to the big blue house over the hill, ask for help." Sally urged. Nick didn't even hesitate in leaving the car behind. And judging based on his run, he wasn't going to get help for us.

"He's not going for help." I told Sally. Nick didn't deserve a mother as nice as Sally, and she didn't deserve to be left to die like this.

"He- He's not?" She hesitated before asking, scared of the answer. 

"Don't worry, Mom, I'll make sure you're safe. Now, help me with the goat, so we can make it to camp." She nodded, clearly heartbroken over the discovery of her son's cowardice. 

We slung Grover's arms over our shoulders, and began the long, treacherous trudge up the hill. I heard the loud crumpling of metal from the car, but I didn't dare look back. I knew what was behind us, and that's why we had to make it to the border. We almost made it in, and I managed to drop Grover within camp. But not everything ends well, in fact, almost nothing does. Thalia's borders were preventing Sally from entering the camp. Thalia...No! Focus. Sally, right, she knew she wasn't going to get in, and instead turned to me. "Percy, son, I'm sorry fo-" I never got to find out the purpose of the apology, as it was cut short when the minotaur grabbed her by the waist.

She screamed, and I gave a shout of outrage. "MOM!" I heard Nick yell, safely within camp borders. Like he cared for her, if he did, why leave her to die in the car? My thoughts were interrupted by another of Sally's screams. The minotaur squeezed harder, and she disappeared into fine gold powder. Now Nick charged the monster, with a sword borrowed from a nearby monster. His heroic vengeance was cut short when the minotaur swatted him aside like a mildly annoying fly. Nick went flying into a nearby tee, and was knocked unconscious as he once again fainted. I laughed as I easily summoned darkness, which instantly killed the minotaur upon contact. 

I dragged Nick into camp, and dropped him inside the border. "Hey, Dad, can you claim me now?" I yelled to nowhere in particular. The effect was immediate, with a solar system appearing above me, with hundreds of stars and planets, each sizes from my nail to my fist. 

Chiron's voice spoke from in front of me, "All hail, Perseus Nova-Chaos. Son of Chaos, creator of the universe, and everything in it." His smile was apparent from here. 

The campers kneeled in a stunned silence, but I ignored them as I walked past them. I headed towards the cabin that m father had made for me. As I approached, I noted the appearance. It was a simple, regularly sized cabin, painted gray with a black, starry roof. I frowned at the sized, but walked in. Now I was surprised. Instead of the usual small room with bunks, I was greeted with a large living room. Against the far wall there was a kitchen, complete with an island counter. The counter doubled as a table, judging by the chairs. Hanging lights were strung from the high, black ceiling. Near the counter, there was a table with seventeen chairs. In the corner closest to me, there were three couches with enough total seating for twenty, arranged around a fireplace and coffee table. There was a soft wool rug below the coffee table. Everything was some variant on black, white, grey, or sea green. A few accent purples here and there were covered in galaxy patterns.

I walked to the table, and stuck beneath a vase, there was a note saying, 'I have left a few credit cards for you and your friends in the envelope. They have unlimited funds, and can only be used by the correct owner. If you lose them, they will reappear in your wallets. I have also left some bags on the couches, if you reach into them while thinking of an object, it will appear. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask. With love, Chaos.' Thanks, Dad. 

You know, this makes me wonder. How are the olympians handling this?

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