- Part 4

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I left the student council room, feeling relatively happy with the outcome of the trial. While it would've been more successful if Yukimura-san was expelled, getting him banned from the football pitch is more than enough. Now we can play football in peace, without any of his violence or cocky attitude.

"I'm annoyed that Yukimura-san didn't get expelled. How about you, Yahagi-san?" Kurase asked.

"That outcome was probably for the best. Though, I question Ryouta-san's decision on some choices..." I said.

"That was certainly an interesting trial. Well done to both of you for managing to convince Shinhon-kun to consider expelling Yukimu-kun." Hiden-sensei said.

Hiden-sensei creeped me out sometimes. He's a good teacher, but his personality was a little too much for me. He had a strange habit of giving everyone nicknames which I didn't understand.

For Masamoto-san, he called him Shinryourihon-kun in the beginning, but slowly over time it devolved into Shinhon-kun. For Kurase-san, he called him Daikyuu-kun, probably because he's A Class's basketball ace.

"Really, it was thanks to Ryouta-san's testimony that we won. Without him, I don't know if expulsion would be considered." Kurase said. I nodded in agreement.

"In any case, you're quite lucky that Koukaya-kun asked Torisu-kun to film the matches. If he didn't, this trial could've went much differently."

Hiden-sensei's nickname for me was Koukaya-kun. Something about my family name being related to fletchers. Ryouta-san's nickname was Torisu-kun, for some reason. It was one of the more ridiculous sounding names, but it was funny.

"Matsushita-san's testimonial was pretty good, I'll admit. He explained pretty in-depth the reasons behind Yukimura-san's actions. It almost made us look like the bad guys." I said.

"Hmm? You're singing high praises for him." Hiden-sensei said.

"He's the one of the few E Class students I respect. I was friends with him."

"I see."

Hiden-sensei just smiled at us for a little bit, then tipped his hat to us.

"Well gentlemen, this is where we part ways. Good work as usual, and have a safe trip home."

I watched Hiden-sensei enter the teacher's lounge. I still wanted to ask him about "Chacha-chan". Were he and Chabashira-sensei good friends?

"I'm gonna go to the basketball court and practice my shooting. See you in class tomorrow, Yahagi-san."

"Sure thing, Kurase-san. Thanks for helping out."

As usual, he's going off to practice to keep his skills sharp. Personally, I preferred football, which is why I had to do something about that menace Yukimura-san.

As I approached the front doors of the school building, Ryouta-san was standing in front of them, his body leaned against the wall, arms crossed.

"Hey, Yahagi-san."

It seems he needed to talk to me about something. This would be a good time to ask my questions.

"Ryouta-san. Good work today."

"Good work to you guys as well. So, what were the results?"

"Yukimura-san was going to be expelled, but Tachibana-senpai overruled it and gave him a two week suspension instead, alongside banning him from the football pitch for the rest of the year."

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