- Part 2

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May 12th. Day of the trial. Everything had been set in place. I walked to the student council room, with Sakigamiya, who was gonna be my defendant, and Chabashira-sensei.

While I was staring at sensei's ass as I walked behind her, Sakigamiya turned to me.

"Are you feeling ready, Yukimura-kun?"

I looked at Sakigamiya's cute face. Man, she was really dazzling, especially today.

"Of course." I closed my eyes and crossed my arms. I opened my eyes again. "I was born ready."

"That's good! You can leave everything up to me. I'll make sure we won't lose the trial."

"Thanks, Sakigamiya. You're an angel."

"Anything for a friend. Plus, E Class is involved in this too. If A Class is going to pick a fight with one of our students, they'll be picking a fight with all of us!"

I laughed a little, but those sugar-coated words were meaningless. Our class wasn't remotely that close to one another. If we were, then they would've helped me out, wouldn't they?

I really hate E Class... I'm stuck in a class filled with a bunch of miserable idiots. How did a football prodigy like me ended up lumped in with people like Yamaguchi and Kita? Shouldn't I be in A Class?

I didn't deserve any of this crap... damn it, I wanted to hit something.

"By the way, Yukimura-kun. Please try not to get angry during the trial. Try to present yourself as a proper student... for me, please?"

The feeling of anger dissipated in an instant. I think my heart started beating faster as Sakigamiya pleaded me to not get mad at their provocations. In fact, she was right. Unlike before, where teachers weren't around to monitor us, I could shout, swear and beat them up to my hearts content.

But here, in this professional setting, I need to toss it all aside. I could be affecting the outcome of the trial by acting out. Just let go of your anger... just for once. Hell, we might even win and embarrass A Class. That would make me happy.

The student council room was located on the fourth floor. Chabashira-sensei opened the door, ushering us two in.

"Sorry we're late." Chabashira-sensei said.

"Ah! Chacha-chan!" Hiden-sensei beamed at Chabashira. "What a coincidence meeting you here of all places. Don't worry about being late, you're just on time."

"I warned you to not called me that." Chabashira-sensei hissed at him.

Oh man... does calling her Shizuka-chan-sensei secretly tick her off like this too? She doesn't ever show it to us though... so maybe she doesn't mind. Probably.

"Fine, Chabashira-san." Hiden-sensei pouted. "Geez, she needs to get laid." He muttered the last part quietly as Chabashira-sensei took her seat.

I barely heard that. It made me think of having raw sex with Chabashira-sensei though. Damn, that would've been the best.

Sitting at a long table were Yahagi, the victim Kurase, and their homeroom teacher, Hiden-sensei. However... sitting at the end of the table was Masamoto from 1st Year A Class! This trial was rigged!

Standing behind Masamoto was a 3rd Year, who was also from A Class. This guy... he was the one who beat me in the war! Tachibana Shizuo, a former secretary of the student council!

As Chabashira-sensei and Sakigamiya took their seats, I slammed my hand on the table and pointed at Masamoto.

"What the hell is the meaning of this?! How come a guy from your class is acting as our judge?! How is this fair?!"

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