Chapter 4: Run. Don't Look Back, Just Run.

Start from the beginning

I decided I would stay with your mother on earth permanently to raise you, but something started happening and It wasn't safe for me to be with you anymore. Instead, I had to tell your mother to hide you. It was the hardest thing we had ever done. We found an anonymous family that no one and nothing would guess you would be with. Me and your mother currently are trying to survive downtown with a group of other people who are to poor to live anywhere except the streets. We are alive and we love you. I hope you are safe and THEY haven't found you yet. Anyway, ask your guardian angel because she will tell you how to protect yourself.

I know what your thinking, "I can protect myself already"......Well as a halfblood, part human, part angel you can do so much more than mortals can. I can't tell you any specifics because I don't know what type of powers you have and what archetype you are. Just ask your guardian. Oh and one more thing, if they find you RUN. Don't ever look back. Just run.


-Your Father-

PS. Turn on the TV at 8:00 PM. -Trust me-

I closed the letter and it vanished. I sat down on the pillar trying to process what I had just read. My real parents were alive, my dad was an angel and I had power I never knew about before! Man, my life is crazy. Sighing, I sat up realizing that this didn't help as much as I had hoped it would. I opened my eyes and I was awake again. I walked downstairs and looked at the clock, it was one minute to 8:00. I decided to sit down and turn on the TV like my dad had suggested. The news channel came on for a few seconds before static cut it off and the screen filled with a new broadcast. There were 9 or more people sitting around a fire and in the center closest to the fire were two people I thought might be my parents. They were all chatting away a teach other and it was very loud. Suddenly, the tall young man in the middle of the circle raised his hand and everyone immediately stopped. Him and the tall woman next to him turned to the screen and spoke.

"Vincent, if your watching tonight.......I'm you mother and this is your father. We love you sweetie and today we want you to find us. We just got word that your family has perished and we can't have you be alone. They will come for you if they haven't already. We want you to be safe, so we have decided to bring you here. Your father is going to tell you how to get here quickly. I know all of this must be a great shock to you but you need to trust us." She explained quickly.

My father stepped in front to speak to me.

"Okay so sit still and don't move, I placed a tracker in your chest when you were a baby so I could always find you if I needed to. I know it sounds bad but it was for your own good. Now I'm going to come get you." He told me.

Stepping back, he jumped into the fire and a bright light surrounded him as he transformed into a angel with 6 wings. In books I read, angels with 6 wings are one of the most powerful angels, no wonder my dad was a commander. I jumped with fright as I heard the glass in the front window break. A figure burst through the window and tackled me to the ground before I could get a good look at it. I felt a blow from something metal connect with my skull and I blacked out. When I woke, I looked around the room with me head still throbbing. The bright, white lights shining everywhere were not helping one bit. My surroundings were that of a dungeon type jail except it was really bright in here. The same figure from earlier stepped out of the very few shadows that were in the room corner.

As soon as I could see everything my jaw dropped as I gasped in surprise. It was my friend Jay!

"J-J-Jay what the hell is going on?!" I cry angrily.

He stepped toward me and grinned.

"Well, for starters my real name isn't Jay. It's Zephath, but you can call me Spade, The Demon of Gluttony." He explained with a devilish look in his eyes.

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