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Ivy's POV
(Don't get sick of it, can never have enough Ivy)

A brief silence ensued, due to the various questions and things everyone had to say, I didn't mind the silence it helped me think about a lot, and I thought about the questions I would ask my mom as soon as I got the chance to and well that chance came as soon as aunt Stacy left for work.

As I placed the last piece of pancake into my mom, I looked up at my mom who sat across me,

"Why did you leave?" I asked her finally breaking the tension in the room, I could feel the empty void of emotion that trailed in my voice,

I asked once more,"why did you have to leave?" and that was when she broke into tears.

I would be heartless if I said seeing tears stream down my mom's face didn't move me but I couldn't do anything I had to be strong  there was no way I was going to let this slide.

Soon, I heard her fidgeting with the bracelet on her hand and it was then I recognized it. It was the one I gave her on her 35th birthday, I had a matching one which I stopped wearing sometime back.

What amazed me was the fact that she never stopped wearing it, which meant she never forgot about me.

"Mom, talk to me, why did you leave?" I asked her once more in a calm tone, I could see this was a touchy subject for both of us but I needed a reply.

"Ivy, I left because I couldn't cope..." She said as she wiped her tears, "I couldn't live with someone who didn't trust me."

I scrunched my eyebrows as I tried to comprehend what she meant by that statement, instead of clearing my confusion, it only made it worse.

"What do you mean by you couldn't live with someone who didn't trust you?" I asked her still racking my brain for possible reasons.

She smiled at me for a reason unknown to me, "Ivy, I was pregnant when I left, but your dad couldn't believe he was the father, he called me a cheap whore and accused me of having a relationship with a coworker..." It was then it all made sense, I understood what she must have gone through, I placed my hand on her shoulder in a comforting manner.

"Do you know how traumatic it all was, I know I was taking drugs because we didn't want other children due to the complications I faced while I was pregnant with you but drugs fail don't they? But he couldn't just agree. It wasn't my fault I got pregnant again..." And she started breaking into tears once more, I never thought this would be the possible reason why mom left.

I couldn't think of a better thing to do than to hug her, she needed this, it wasn't her fault, it wasn't his fault also. They never imagined a scenario that the drugs would fail.

Now all I could think about was, did she loose the child?


We know the reason why Ivy's mom left, we can now have some piece of Liam action back.

I promise we'll have Liam in the next chapter, maybe Lauren too. But anyway you get the picture, we're gonna have a boy in the next chapter.

PS. If you're reading this book, and haven't checked my other book Star cross, kindly check it out, its worth being a part of your library.

Its less than two weeks to Christmas...
. what are your plans?


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