No breaks for me I guess

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_Doom slayer_

'Darkness. Utter and completely void of light. Just me, myself, and the old man to the right.'

I thought, pointing to my right.

Old man: Hellooooooooo!

'Okay then. I can't see anything. It's too dark. I can't move. There's no floor. I can breathe, but there's no gravity. Where am I?'

Before questioning anymore I see the UAC logo. In its bright blue beauty erupts the usb I used for Vega. From that came, Vega.

'My friend. God dammit, if only I could've helped. Why were you so quiet? Why didn't you let me help.'

Vega started to vibrate. I tried to grab him, but as I closed my hand he shattered. The shards started to glow brighter before blooming with light. I was getting consumed by the light as it turned bloody red. I looked for something to help me but only saw the old man.

Old man: Hellooooooooo!

It got bloodier and bloodier. It grew bigger and bigger. The light kept growing and consuming me. Until it was the only thing left. But, I could hear faint sounds of clashing. It sounds like Argent D'nur. It sounds like my men.

Then, like an implosion, it all vanished. Except the old man. But, dust materialized I front of me. Spinning into a shape, a diamond. It took form into a crystal, purple with bloody red veins. The crystal Vega said had tons of energy. What happened?

The crystal started to vibrate and fracture. Purple and red particles flew off it along with glasslike shards. It blew up and reached for my arm. It climbed from my wrist to my head and to my face, into my eyes. I was filled by a blinding purple and red mixture of shines.


I flick my head left and right looking for the bloody light. I can't see it anymore, but now I can see I'm in a tent. More specifically, I'm in a sleeping bag in a very spacious tent.

Sitting up, a sourness shocked through my body. I cringed at the feeling, but shrugged it off like a man. What a weird ass dream... wait, I don't sleep. What a weird ass coma. The fuck is up with that old man?

Getting up, I notice bandages on my forearms. I flex my arms and they snap. I can see freshly cut scars on them. Whoever did this, thanks. Those bandages were pretty bloody.

I examined my arm a bit closer. The same arm I crushed that Argent crystal hybrid. I felt... like it had gotten stronger. Not in a raw muscular way, but, in a way that makes me feel like electricity is flowing through my veins. As if I could delete dimensions in a snap.


'Uh... what?!'


I kept trying to speak but nothing came out. Not even the smallest of gurgles escaped. Did I get hit that badly? No... what shit is being brewed in this world.

I calm down and walk to the exit flaps. I stop hearing a conversation just outside. Not caring, I continue to walk through.


Everyone, ranging from Hermes to the Loki familia, is talking about what we saw. That, and the victim. At least Bell is alright.

Bell: W-What was that thing?!

Lili: I've only ever heard of Goliath being there. Is there some kind of special spawn?

Riveria: Not likely. People have defeated the floor boss there hundreds of times and have only seen Goliath. That, thing, is something else. I'm not even sure about it being a monster.

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