Training Bell

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Doom Slayer POV:

A day after the whole 'midget maters' incident I've been patrolling around and chatting with Captain Capitalism. He's a laid back, lazy, and a shit-gamer.

During my patrol I've been encountering the more intelligent series of Imps. Probably trying to make a cult like in the UAC staff division.

' Olivia Pierce, you thot.'

Other than that Capitalism been mainly telling sex jokes or dark humor.


CPT.Capitalism: You know what the ender dragon and a woman have in common?

'I'm afraid to know but, what'

CPT.Capitalism: When you beat the shit out of them with your "sword" they both produce a child.

'My fucking god'

CPT.Capitalism: I know that guy, he's me.

Flashback 2:

CPT.Capitalism: Why did Sally fall off the swing?

'I know this one actually, cause she had no arms'

CPT.Capitalism: No, cause she was retarted.

'Fuck me.'

CPT.Capitalism: Sorry, I'm straight... I should probably start working on Tony and Thanos

Flashback end:

As I was walking I came across Bell and Lili, Lili was showing Bell some sort of transforming spell. She went to furry back to human, and again.

Lili: I took advantage of your kind heart...

Bell: I'm okay. Alright lets go!

Vega: OI!

They both turn to me as I put away my very, very, very bloody pistol. We wave to each other and Bell speaks up.

Bell: Hi Donathen! Wanna come with us to goddess Hestia? I'm gonna introduce Lili to her.

I gave a thumbs up and we walked deeper into the shit hole side of town. Once we get inside Bell introduces Lili.

Bell: I'll go make some tea down stairs. Oh, but we only have two cups.

'And the Lolitess Thotess goes for the kill.'

Hestia's eyes glowed like stars as her hair stood up. I could tell what was gonna happen. She tries to hit on him but he's too innocent and sense to understand.

Hestia: Ah, there's no need to worry. You and I can share the same cup.

'And she strikes.'

Bell: Ah, it's okay I'll use a bowl.

' but the Denses Retardis evades the hit.'

Hestia's hair and eyes died down. I stared at the situation eternally laughing. Bell goes down stairs and I lean against a wall. Hestia then talks too Lili.

Hestia: Miss supporter, can you promise me you'll never make the same mistake again?

Lili: Yes, I swear.

Hestia: I believe you. And you Donathen, I Don't sense any ill content from you. But i want you to promise me one thing...

Vega:... shoot.

Hestia: Please protect Bell. He's all I have, all I've had. Please promise me.

I stared at her for a few seconds. I sighed and had Vega say my mind exactly as I thought it.

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