Breakout With a Secret Orb

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The spirits had recently lost a battle against Darkbird and they ended up getting locked into a tower away from Nymphus. Can they still escape and save the day even though they have no magical powers?
Heather: I woke up inside an unfamiliarly cold place, finding out that Crystal disappeared from my body. I couldn't even remember anything about what happened to me in the battle at all. Next to me in the same room, Meredith also had the same feeling as I did.
Meredith: Coral went missing after I laid down next to my best friend. I can still recognize her long black hair and her sweet voice. Why am I even here? What is this place? Help, my mum and stepdad are going to kill me after this. I mean, all of our parents will find out where we are after being missing! I nervously thought to myself. Heather asked me a question at first sight.
Heather: "Meredith?"
Meredith: "Yes?"
Heather: "How did you end up here?"
Meredith: "Well, I don't know. I felt like my mind was stolen!" I found a door nearby, attempting to open it. "Oh no, the door's locked! I think we're both trapped inside together!"
Heather: "Then we're stuck inside a tower for the exact same reason. At least I already knew who you are at school." I helped her open the door, but unfortunately, it didn't move.
Meredith: "Girl, I'd rather be stuck with you more than my real family in a locked place." We both eventually found any random objects in the room and used them to set a trap to exit the room without using the door. There were also blankets and cheap costume accessories that we used to conceal ourselves from getting caught on security cameras.
Charles: I opened my eyes one day to find out that I was locked in the elevator with Deron.
Deron: It was another filthy nightmare coming true about falling asleep next to an overrated blond model. Well good for me that I'm stuck with someone other than Scary. He definitely deserved to get away from me after we first fought over a disgusting toy car in preschool and lose whatever he's got. But the sad news is, I wish to be stuck alone.
Charles: "Oh no, it's not you again!"
Deron: "Are you serious? Get out of here and don't come back!"
Charles: "I can't. There isn't anything much we can do."
Deron: "Shut up, dirtbag! By the way, I'm glad to not be with Scary."
Charles: "You mean, Terry? Deron, that's not nice to treat my friend like that!"
Deron: "Leave me alone, loser!" I made a spitting face.
Charles: The elevator door opened as we ran out wearing potato sacks and ripped beanies all over us. Because there were no cameras around the hallway, we were relieved from getting caught in celebrity newspapers for doing this. I tried to search for another door to escape alone, leaving him behind.
Deron: Later, I walked away from Scary's famous friend, searching for a way to get down a floor. However, the room I entered had security cameras and a cardboard box with two side holes on a skateboard. I got up on the box, shut myself off and paddled with my hands. The camera triggered me all of a sudden, scaring me with sweat as I accelerated near the closing gate. The skateboard sped up at the last minute before the gate slammed significantly, escaping from the stupid trap.
Charles: I ended up finding two other people planning to escape in disguises. I asked politely, "Hey guys, can I talk to both of you?"
Meredith: I pulled up my disguise to find out who the voice is. "It's Charles!"
Heather: "Oh no, here we go again!" I fainted just as Meredith picked me up. My crush was actually there the whole time? No way. If we were kidnapped, I would know that Flamegon's dead!
Meredith: "Calm down, Heather. It's just a boy. I'll watch you while you talk." I hid on a plant, staring at the lovebirds.
Charles: "So what's going on with you guys?"
Heather: "Uhh, we are um, trying to escape. Yeah, did I say that right? I just, um, you know, wanted to say that I... I..."
Charles: "I can understand what you mean."
Meredith: Oh yes, I can't believe that Heather asked him out all alone without me! That'll get the other girls jealous! They were walking and talking together, eventually running away with their hands held together.
Terry: I was summoned inside a room next to my twin sister. All without Alfred.
Taylie: Maira was gone after I was asleep from forgetting my memories from what occurred an hour before I was here with my twin brother.
Terry: "Taylie?"
Taylie: "Terry?"
Both: "We slept inside a place other than home!"
Taylie: "Shhhh, listen bud. You gotta be quiet, this is not your typical escape room."
Terry: "So, we're in a haunted house?"
Taylie: "Way worse, Terry!" Footsteps stomped onto the ceiling of the room, fearing over something.
Terry: "Isn't that Bigfoot or Darkbird? That's my whole nightmare coming true!" I buried inside a blanket and cried for a bit, searching for a key on the shelf.
Taylie: "I don't know. But there's no time left to say anything. Plus, everything's got the cameras! So come on!" I found a trash bag, a blanket and an inner tube to dress up so that no camera can catch me.
Terry: I opened the door after we found out more clues to escape, like sitting on a couch with a whoopee cushion, jumping onto a tied string with a metal ball attached to it and crushing the door.
Taylie: The first thing we saw outside was a disguised boy slipping down the spiral stairs with a sled.
Terry: "Oh no, it's Bigfoot!" He shivered as he buried his face, recognizing who the boy was.
Taylie: "Terry, I'll go with you..." I consoled, slowly taking him down the stairs.
Janeira: I found out that I was inside a dungeon without any lights and, oh my gosh, weird noises!
Raymond: I couldn't recall how I was inside a dungeon all of a sudden. Janeira started screaming after I turned on a flashlight nearby.
Janeira: "Is this even real? Why are we here? I want my family back!" I bursted into crying.
Raymond: "I don't know. There better be a way out." I punched the gate with my prosthetic arm, failing to fall over as I expected. Holy crap, we're now stuck inside!
Janeira: "Raymond, can't you see I'm afraid of the dark?" I wiped my tears, searching for a pickaxe and picking up the flashlight as I mined the back wall.
Raymond: "Smart idea, Janeira." I grabbed a treasure chest full of disguises, helping both of us conceal our identities. We kept breaking the wall until there was a tunnel to encounter.
Terry: We beat Bigfoot at going down the spiral staircase, only to have a terrifying surprise.
Deron: Scary and his so called twin sister appeared in front of my face as I finished going down the stairs.
Taylie: There was another conflict coming while I searched for extra clues to get down another floor.
Deron: "What do you want, scary face?" I yelled at Scary.
Terry: "Don't call me Scary, you Bigfoot!"
Deron: "Shut up! I'm only trying to escape this flipping tower all alone."
Terry: "Well so am I."
Deron: "I can still imagine seeing you inside the tower's dumpster..." I threatened my enemy.
Terry: "But I wanna say—"
Deron: "Leave your stupid insults out of my way, you moron!" I slapped his face, making him scream.
Terry: I kicked Bigfoot's legs as revenge for disfiguring my face. But then, my sister took action immediately by telling him this while we fought harder.
Taylie: "Deron, that's it. I had enough of your messing with my brother! He doesn't deserve to be beaten! You're just jealous that he's got a twin and you don't. Come on, let's go." I dragged my injured brother, still in his disguise.
Deron: "I have two little brothers, you losers!" I stomped out as Scary's sister escaped with him, hoping for a downfall between the two. I continued going around the hallway, entering a secret door to only get trapped inside an insanely weird ride, shaking my entire body. Oh my god, that was the best mistake I've ever done in my whole life! The ride dropped as quick as a rocket landing on the moon, taking me down to the first floor.
Charles: Later throughout the day as we're now on the first floor, Heather started to feel exhausted. "Heather, are you okay?"
Heather: "Uhh, yeah. I kinda lost my energy..." I fell asleep in his arms, feeling his warmth tracing around me. Usually some boys at my school are being immature little people who still think about the cooties mindset. But man, Charles is very sweet for a typical nine-year old, being not only super famous, but is also down to earth.
Charles: "Hang on tight. The cameras are catching us real soon, and we had to go." I found a room for her to hide, telling her, "Have some rest in here. I'll have to make sure we found the others."
Heather: Minutes later, I woke up finding that my constellions were still there, hidden behind a small glass window. Deliberately, I smashed the glass with a fake plastic recorder as the disguise, claiming my constellions. Crystal popped out of the wand I was holding, telling me, "Heather, I was so worried about you! Is anything happening to you all of a sudden?" I replied, "Well, first of all, do you have enough energy to help me transform? And second, what happened to you while I was lying next to Meredith in a room?" Crystal flew on top of my tiara, saying, "Well, follow me to go find the truth before everything's erased!" I held the wand, double checking to see no one's around. "Mythical Spirits, begin the story!"
Charles: In a random room all alone, I found several keys to unlock something inside a treasure chest, snatching every one of them just in case we get out of the tower. One of them was able to open the chest, revealing my armor and sunglasses. "Blaze, I really miss you so much!" I hugged my pet dragon, feeling his warmth. "Me, too. Who would've caused all of this trouble in the first place if it were for Darkbird?" I raised my eyebrow and asked, "Darkbird caused all of this madness? I don't know and yet I don't remember anything about it at all." Blaze rolled his eyes. "You know what, forget it. I'll hope to see my nectar baby again today." I questioned again, "Who's 'nectar baby'?" Blaze told me, "Crystal. She's a very cute butterfly and I loved her for a thousand years." I ignored the story and chanted, "Mythical Spirits, begin the story!"
Raymond: We were merrily strolling down the hallway in a disguise, only to see a moving potted plant.
Meredith: The next thing I did was scare two kids in a disguise after looking out.
Janeira: "What the—" I shrieked as the disguise shushed me.
Meredith: "Shhh! Hey, it's me, Meredith." I took off my fake spectacles.
Raymond: "Meredith, what are you doing alone?"
Meredith: "There's a lot of traps if we get caught by the cameras. I'm just figuring a way out to escape."
Janeira: "Plus, we all have forgotten our memory. We're here to find it, but how?"
Raymond: "Speaking of that, I also did see a clue on why that happened. I translated the code from the paper in the hallway to the alphabet."
Janeira: "What did it say?"
Raymond: "The Aurabomb was a life-threatening orb used to eliminate magic from Harverna. There are pretty serious dangers about using the Aurabomb, and memory loss is one of them."
Meredith: "Oh no! We have to go find the Aurabomb and fix it!"
Janeira: "Not quite, we all have to leave on our own." We ran away alone, going our ways.
All of the spirits finally found their constellions, being able to transform again and escaping the door with the Aurabomb restored. But all of a sudden, like usual, they faced the evil Darkbird and fought for the truth.
Alan: "Oh my god, it's you little wimps again!"
Janeira: "Why did you lock us all inside the tower? And what happened before this mess?"
Alan: I brushed off the winged unicorn's lame phrase, laughing. "I'll never tell you the truth. I finally felt victory the first time after you all tried to control me with your useless powers and failed!"
Charles: "You'll never tell us what happened, but we found out what happened based on the clues inside. You destroyed us with an Aurabomb, which is never to be touched or used against our will!"
Raymond: "I agree with Flamegon. There was a code and a guide that helped a kid translate the Aurabomb usage, proving what you have done."
Alan: "Pfft, you all are nonsense. Hand me your constellions right now! I will not make the same mistake again if you do so."
Heather: "Did you forget what you just did with that Aurabomb of yours?"
Terry: As the rematch of the fight started, I held the Aurabomb safely in my arms. "Tower crash!" I destroyed the tower with my powers. It was collapsing and looking like a dumpster left in the middle of nowhere. "Houseplant sesame." A plant surrounded the dumpster, covering me while growling. "Toothpicks and marshmallows spawn!" A bag of marshmallows and a container of toothpicks fell into my hands.
Deron: "What are you going to do with a bunch of toothpicks and a bag of marshmallows, Gnoblin?"
Charles: "Save me one!" Prairina punched my shoulder and said, "Maybe later, little dragon. We got some tea and pasta tonight at the Rainshine Castle."
Meredith: "You're not going where we're going, Darkbird! Not one single foot apart..." I stabbed Darkbird with my triton.
Alan: "Not for long you stupid... huh?" I found a marshmallow and a toothpick tower. "I'm going to ruin that kid!" I flew over to the tower as the spirits keep kicking, punching, hitting and throwing magic at me. The tower was covered in houseplants trying to bite me.
Taylie: "See what you did there? Those munchers deserve to haunt you, Darkbird."
Meredith: "I knew that serves him right in the tail!" I laughed with Jackalope and gave her a high five, heading inside Gnoblin's tower together.
Alan: The plants attempted to eat me as food, pulling my scythe. The rest of the brats were inside the tower, throwing all of their useless powers at me.
Raymond: I could hear another day of victory to make up the day we were defeated when all of a sudden, my mermaid friend's water power gained a lot of strength to the plants, successfully pulling the scythe and breaking it.
Terry: "Here, Prairina. Hold the Aurabomb."
Heather: "Thanks, Gnoblin." Gnoblin handed me the orb, keeping it under my arms.
Deron: "But if the spell's been broken, who will actually fix that tower? I mean, I knew that this was between Nymphus and Cloudburst."
Janeira: "To be very honest, I never liked this tower in the first place, especially when your every move has been captured by all of these creepy cameras. What should we do with the Aurabomb anyway?" I held up a damaged surveillance camera from the destruction Gnoblin created.
Taylie: "I feel you, girl. That tower's made to be broken for a reason. But shouldn't we give it to the master? I think he needs it for a secret, so I'll go skip straight to the cheer for now." I put my baton away on my belt, dusting off my legs.
All except Alan: "When the darkness went away, Team Spirits, we saved the day!"
As the spirits headed to the Rainshine Castle through teleportation, they gave the master spirit the Aurabomb for dinner as a reward, just before they left to sleep at home. Unfortunately, the master spirit accidentally dropped it, exploding into another disaster that erased the memories of the made-up victory. In reality, all of what was written above was just a dream. Otherwise, that's gonna leave a mark on the Team Spirits as a real defeat!

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