The Nutslacker

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Santa Claus's POV:

   Around Christmas Eve, I was preparing to deliver toys to children around Harverna from the North Pole. The elves attempted to construct a masterpiece that could be given to a special little girl named Thylane.
   "Good, my little elves, keep working!" I called them all up as I continued plotting down names on the nice and naughty list. Machines were rolling, presents were dropping inside my sack, and I examined each reindeer, with Rudolph being the leader.
   "Hey, Santa. We're finished with the last toy, so are we ready to head to Harverna?" One of the elves asked me.
   "Ho ho ho, yes we are, kids. To Harverna and beyond!" I hopped up onto the sleigh, allowing the reindeers to fly over and travel to Harverna.
Thylane's POV:

   It was Christmas and I woke up in the middle of the night, finding a nutcracker. I tested the nutcracker in the dim kitchen, carefully snapping a chestnut and my cat named Fritz woke up to the snapping.
   I calmed him down quietly, "Aww, little Fritz. Don't be jealous of what I got for Christmas today. You know, Santa gave me this special little nutcracker that'll help me-"
   But Fritz meowed angrily, throwing the nutcracker to the floor and breaking it. Tears flooded my eyes and my hands were shaking tremendously.
   "Fritz, you naughty boy! Go back to sleep, and don't come back!" I insulted at Fritz, picking up the broken pieces of my new toy.
   "Meow..." Fritz said, heartbroken by my words and slept. I pulled out my phone and tweeted to summon Darkbird. Later, he arrived down a chimney, telling me, "Hello, sweetheart. What's your name?"
   "Thylane Stahlbaum."
   "So nice to meet you, Thylane. But most importantly, what's the matter?"
   "Santa gave me this new nutcracker, but this naughty cat shattered it, ruining my Christmas before it even started..."
   "Sorry about your toy. Well that kitty deserved to be on the naughty list. Do you really like any toys all to yourself?"
   "I mean, I'm only thirteen. But is it weird that I still love toys?"
   "Nope, not at all. I might give you something special, rarer than a nutcracker, to keep if you accept my offer to join me as my nutslacker..."
   "Whoa... a nutslacker? What's the reward to winning that battle?"
   "Sixteen constellions. Deal?"
   "Deal." I accepted, turning into a nutcracker themed villain.
Meredith's POV:

Waking up to open my presents under a tree, I revealed a sketchbook, sketch pencils, a new swimsuit, goggles, and ten action figures of the Mythical Spirits, which was a popular toy that lots of children got this year. But looking at the Merfish figure, I look nothing like the figure at all because we look like the same size, but the faces were also unrecognizable, which was perfect for me so that no one knew my identity.
"Merry Christmas, honey!" My parents woke up and cheered.
"Thank you, Mum and Gary!" I thanked them.
"Did you like the action figures? One of them looks like you." Mum asked, grabbing coffee downstairs.
"Um, yes." I told them, coming up with a lie, "Maybe it's because there might be another girl with red hair and blue eyes that lives somewhere faraway." I know this isn't right for me, but my parents are never allowed to find out that I am Merfish as well. The master might disown me for good if I actually tell the truth. Also, Alan disappeared from his room many times to go his friend's house, but it's sad that no one cared about him.
"That might be nice. By the way, we have been planning this all our lives..." Gary announced.
"To go with our stepfamily? I really miss them so much."
"No, Mere-bear. We're not coming over to your stepfamily anymore..." Mum denied.
"Why? You don't want to see my dad?"
"I can't even see my ex-husband anymore. He's so over me after he loves that Janine woman as a revenge..."
   "But that never stops me from wanting to see him! I just want to play with his children because they're all so nice!"
   "Have you ever read Cinderella? Sometimes, it's the stepfamilies that are evil in fairy tales." Gary claimed.
   "That's not an excuse for visiting loved ones, Gary! Their family is still my family, just let me do it once!"
   My stepdad gave up, breathing. "Fine. You can visit only once. When the time's up, go home with us. You're still our little princess, no matter what."
   So I hopped inside my stepdad's car, driving to a flat. I rung the doorbell, holding many presents. Then my father answered, welcoming me inside.
   "Meredith! It's so nice to see you again after not visiting for three years!" I hugged him, feeling all of that comfort that I lost on the remarriage.
   "I love you, Dad!" I stepped inside, finding the three children.
   "Meredith?" Gwendolyn called over.
"Gwendolyn!" I screamed and ran over, bouncing like a best friend reunion. Then, Elias played on his acoustic guitar he got for Christmas. The baby named Santiago I once saw grew into a toddler playing with a plastic kitchen set, babbling about his "fishy mushy" entrée.
"Wanna come over to my room?" Gwen asked.
"Yes, I would like to see what you got in your room!" I accepted, heading to her room. She had a nail polish collection, cute clothing and Mythical Spirits dolls.
   "You got fashion dolls for Christmas?" I asked, pulling out eight spirit dolls.
   "Yes, like many children, I love the spirits so much that Prairina and Flamegon are my favorite!"
   "Oh yes, I will literally die if they become a cute couple!"
   "I'll play as Merfish, Gnoblin, Jackalope, Catlypso and Snow Frost."
   "I'll take the rest of them." We played with the dolls for a little bit, pretending to battle. Suddenly, she stopped to examine Merfish.
   "Wait a minute Meredith, Merfish looks so similar to you."
   "Uh, you see nothing but a lookalike. There's no way a mermaid spirit would ever look like me! You know, there's other girls who may be Merfish."
   "You may not be a spirit, but you're one in my heart." Wait, I never expected an answer like this one! But I still can't tell Gwendolyn my identity. Aw, shoot! What can go wrong if Darkbird exposed us?
   A nutcracker villain invaded the flat without even realising. She took all of the gifts away from everyone, upsetting many children like a grinch.
   "Meredith, I have to use the bathroom!" Gwen cleaned her room and ran away from her room.
   "Okay, I'll stay." I shut the door, letting Coral out as I put on my amulet and opened the compact shell.
   "So I got my stepsister out and it's snowing outside. I don't know if it's going to work out since I might be a frozen water spirit."
   "It's okay, Meredith. The master spirit fed us a simple potion. But if all else fails, Flamegon will toast you up somewhere."
   "Okay, but I would try to face my fear as soon as possible. Mythical Spirits, begin the story!"
Deron's POV:

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