Chapter 36: The Iceman And The Virgin

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They all got back into separate cars and after a short five minute drive, they arrived at Mycroft's posh residence. After tours were given and introductions were made, they assembled in a warm room with a fire set and a large table. Sherlock was sat in an armchair gazing into the fire whilst Irene and Mycroft were sat at the table opposite each other. Astrid was stood on the other side of the table leaning against the back of one of the large wooden chairs, listening into the conversation avidly.

"We have people who can get into this." he said with no emotion as he looked down at the phone laid on the table.

"I tested that theory for you, I let Sherlock try it for six months," she smiled and looked at Sherlock, "Sherlock, dear. Tell him what you found when you X-rayed my camera-phone."

"There are four additional units wired inside the casing, I suspect containing acid or a small amount of explosive," he said flatly, "Any attempt to open the casing will burn the hard drive."  

"Explosive," she said dramatically looking at Sherlock before facing Mycroft, "It's more me."

"Some data is always recoverable." Mycroft replied just as flatly.

"And you want to take that risk, do you?" The woman replied quickly.

"You have a pass-code to open this. I deeply regret to say we have people who can extract it from you."


"There will be two pass-codes: one to open the phone, one to burn the drive. Even under duress you can't know which one she's given you and there will be no point in a second attempt." Sherlock spoke up dramatically.

"He's good isn't he." Irene smirked, "I should put him on a leash- in-fact, I might."

"We destroy this then." he sighed, defeated, "no-one has the has the information."

"That's an excellent idea," Astrid piped up, "unless there are human lives are at stake."

"Are there?"

"Now that would be telling." Astrid winked and smiled.

"Not playing fair anymore," Irene smiled and took out an envelope from her handbag, "A list of my requests; and some ideas about my protection once they're granted."

Mycroft took the paper and began to unfold it

"I'd say it wouldn't blow much of a hole in the wealth of the nation – but then I'd be lying" she tilted her head, "I imagine you'd like to sleep on it."

"Thank you, yes."

"Too bad." she said dully, "off you pop and talk to people."

"You're very good at this," he complimented and looked at Astrid, "you were in this together?"

"for the most part." Astrid answered.

"But we can't take all the credit," Irene said as Astrid walked around the table and looked at Sherlock, "had a bit of help."

"Jim Moriarty sends his love." Astrid said clearly causing Sherlock's head to raise in interest.

"Yes, he's been in touch. Seems desperate for my attention... which I'm sure can be arranged."

"I had all this stuff, never knew what to do with it. Thank God for the consultant criminal. Gave me a lot of advice about how to play the Holmes boys. D'you know what he calls you?"

Both boys frowned, looking extremely confused. Astrid walked around and smirked.

"The Iceman." She smirked looking at Mycroft before averting her gaze to Sherlock, "and the virgin."

Sherlock continued to look ahead into the fire thoughtfully causing Astrid to smirk and look at Irene.

"Didn't want anything in return." Irene said looking at Sherlock.

"You know, I think he just likes to cause trouble," Astrid said and clicked her tongue, "now that's my kind of man."

Astrid smirked and looked at Mycroft, "I expect to here from you soon Mycroft, remember, we had a deal."

Mycroft nodded as Astrid smiled at Sherlock.

"Now, sorry I'm not able to stick around, but it's getting late and I'm sure James will be eager to hear what has happened."

"See what I mean," Sherlock said from where he was sat, "you're just a cog in Moriarty's big plan."

"Well, that may be true," she smiled and edged closer to Sherlock, "but at least the sex is good."

Sherlock frowned at Astrid's indelicate comment and Irene laughed quietly at the virgin's reaction.

Astrid saluted playfully and strutted out of the room where there was a large man waiting outside. He escorted her down to the car that Seb was waiting for her and she hopped in the front seat.

"Anything interesting?" he yawned as he turned on the engine.

"Sherlock thinks that I'm not important." She wined sarcastically, "he's gonna break my heart!"

Seb chuckled and began to drive, "what did you say back?"

"At least the sex is good." she looked forward and smiled.

"I'm surprised Sherlock even knows what sex is."

"You and me both, blondie." She smiled as they drove off into the distance.

(A/N only two more to go people!!!)

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