Chapter 29: The Christmas Party

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A few months went by since the dominatrix and the consulting criminal had met. James received a phone call from Irene telling him that it was time for the scandal to begin.

The consulting criminal and the spy naturally became increasingly close. During the time that they had been together, Astrid felt that her feelings for her boss were growing into more than a just a petti crush. All she could say, is that they had something.

And so far, 'something' was the only word to describe it.

The scandal went on for what Astrid though was months. Not that she was linked to it, but it seemed important as one morning in one of their post-coitus chats, Jim had mentioned something about a code that needed deciphering, and who better to decipher it than everyone's favourite high functioning sociopath.

"So, do tell me." she had said one Morning resting her head on her elbow, "what is actually going on."

"Don't look at me." He had yawned blankly, "I just told her a few nicknames and gave her some advice."

"It has to be of some significance to you," she tilted her head, extremely interested, as the Irishman continued to yawn beside her. She smiled in realisation that that information was probably confidential, "Oh I see, that Adler woman doesn't like me so she's asked for your silence, and you of course don't want to break that to put at risk whatever plans you have."

Jim just shrugged, "Honestly, I have no clue."

"So, that means that there is something we should be worried about."

"Not us, she's the one putting herself in the firing line." he smirked and pressed a kiss to her forehead and begin to get out of bed, "you don't need to worry about anything, last I checked, you're not Sherlock Holmes."

"No I'm not." she laughed as Jim put some clothes on "I'm better."

The Irishman turned around and looked at the naked woman in his bed, he picked up one of his shirts and threw it at her.

"That's a bold statement," he said as Astrid stood up next to him buttoning up a few of the buttons on Jim's shirt.

"Well, is it true?" she inquired childishly as she looper her fingers around the belt holes in Moriarty's trousers and looked him in the eye. He pecked her lips and looked Astrid up and down.

"It will be if you wear my shirts more often." He commented and Astrid giggled.

"Oh don't worry, I plan to," she bit her lip before letting go of Jim and walking into the ensuite, "so, do you celebrate Christmas?"

"not really," he said as she re-emerged with a toothbrush in her mouth.

"So it's just another day?"

"It would be, but we've been invited somewhere."

"Oh God," Astrid sighed, "don't tell me criminal organisations have Christmas parties."

"God no, where we're going, it's much more exciting."

"Everything is exciting to you, Jim." she said as she went back into the bathroom to finish brushing her teeth.

"Work Christmas dues aren't." He replied from the room causing Astrid to giggle.

"And where are we going?" She asked as she returned.

"Sherringford." He said plainly, as if Astrid was supposed to know where that was, "they want me for something."

"Really?" She smirked and walked up to him, "and who wants you?"

"Other than you?" He smirked and Astrid crossed her arms unimpressed.

"Don't run before you can walk, Mr Moriarty." She said and Jim tilted his head. "Let me rephrase who wants you for something?"

"As far as I'm concerned, you're still talking about yourself."


"I don't know."

"Right, thank you. That's all I needed." She said and attempted to leave, but Jim grabbed her arm and pushed her against the wall so that he was leaning over her.

"You're extremely lucky you know," he started to sneer whilst Astrid frowned at his quick change in mood, "normally people who give me sarcasm like that end up with a bullet in their head."

"Yes, but those people are so ordinary." She drawled out and roles her eyes, "I'm not boring."

"No," he smirked again and began to wrap a strand of her hair around his finger, "you're so much better then all those boring humans."

Astrid noticed that the consulting criminal was staring at her and she found herself staring back. She analysed every part of his perfect face and he hers. She chuckled quietly before Jim continued by tracing a finger over her lips.

"You're so much better." He smirked and pushed her further against the wall, forcing her to wrap her legs around his waist. She placed her hands on either side of his neck, not braking her contact with his deep eyes, "Well, if this is what I get every morning, then I'm not complaining."

"I second that." she said as she smashed her lips onto his, he slowly let her back down as his hands found Astrid's waist and she rested her arms on his shoulders to dangle behind his head. Jim waltzed backwards before his legs hit the back of the bed and he fell backwards, not failing to drag Astrid down with him. They broke away and Jim lifted a hand up to Astrid's face that was leaning over his.

"I mean, I could definitely get used to this." He cocked his head briefly to the side and Astrid laughed.

"You took the words right out of my mouth," she reconnected their lips.

"whatever will I do with you?"

"I can think of a few things."

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