Chapter 27: Answers

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After the meeting was over they were in the car, sat on the back seat in silence. A comfortable silence. With Astrid's head resting sleepily on Jim's shoulder, on there way to, what Alexa thought was the house, until she noticed that they were in a place she didn't recognise.

"Where are we?" She frowned she lifter her head from Jim's shoulder, "I thought you said we were going home?"

"We are." Jim stated

"Jim?" Astrid raised an eyebrow and Jim sighed.

"We're just taking a detour."

"To where?" she asked and after Jim didn't reply she looked at the blonde bodyguard, "Seb?"

"You'll thanks us," The tiger said comfortingly, "don't worry about it."

Astrid huffed and sat back in her seat, Jim chuckled at her annoyance and looked out the window as the other blonde took a deep breath and sighed.

"I hate you both!"

After about an hour in the car, filled with Astrid's constant begging to know where the were and Jim chuckling a reply, they pulled up to a large modern looking house. Astrid frowned as Seb drove up to the buzzer and said a few words which granted them entrance into the grand drive. They arrived at the front door where they got out out and the large white door opened. They walked in to find a large meeting area where they waited until a familiar small blonde haired lady came out of the room across from them.

"Hello" she smiled, her strong French accent beamed, "to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Ms Chaudoir." Moriarty greeted as she escorted them into the room she had come from. Astrid looked back at Seb with a hint of panic, she raised her eyebrows as she tried to stay back with him, but he urged her forward. She shakily walked into the room that could now be identified as the kitchen as Amelie took out a elegant glass jug from a cupboard and three cocktail glasses.

"I assume you came to talk to my husband?" she tilted her head as she poured some drinks out.

"Yes, is he here?"

"You just missed him, he said he was going somewhere to do something, with some unfortunate fellow." she smiled, and pushed the glasses forward, offering them to the pair, "you may speak with me though, I'm sure I can answer any questions."

"No, we're okay-" Astrid began, wanting to get out of there. Jim cut her off.

"Actually, that would be wonderful." He smiled at her, "but we won't be here long so there's no need for drinks."

She smiled a little as she escorted them to another room. As they walked over Astrid looked at Jim wide eyed.

"What are we doing?" she whispered, with a hint of anger laced in her tone.

"I'm getting you answer's" he whispered back.

"Jim!-" she said annoyed, but before she could say anything else they were being offered seats in a room with a large settee that bent around a corner. Jim sat first, followed, reluctantly, by Astrid who perched nervously next to Jim.

"So, what do you wish to ask?" she said, sitting down on the other part of the couch.

"How much has your husband told you?" Jim asked

"About what?"

"His life before he was married to you." Jim continued

"Bits." she smiled and took a deep breath.

"Did he tell you he had been married before?" the consulting criminal questioned and she nodded, "Did he tell you he has a daughter?"

"He did."

"Do you know who it is?"



"Yes." she said, Astrid didn't know if she was telling the truth or not, but she urged her on all the same, "I asked him, he just said that he didn't know either, believe me, I've wanted nothing more than to have a child. And I don't care that she's my step-daughter, I'd treat her as if she were my own child."

"You would?" Astrid suddenly asked, a hint of sad joy coming out, "does he  ever talk to you about work?"

"Not really." she said thoughtfully, "he likes to keep his business private."

"Did he ever tell you that he killed his ex-wife?" Jim asked

"That is not true!" her head snapped up in shock.

"Sorry?" Astrid frowned

"He said to me that she died of lung cancer,"

"Lung cancer?" she almost laughed, "He lied to you." Astrid stated plainly, all hope draining from her eyes, "He shot my mother in the head."

Astrid almost spat out her words as tears began to brew in her eyes. She watched the French lady across from hers eyebrows raise in shock.

"Why would he-?"

"That's a good question." she stated as she stood up angrily, Jim following her action.

"Maybe you should ask your 'husband' when he gets home." Jim sneered protectively. 

The two made to leave, until the brunette stood up to stop them, "Wait." 

The pair turned around, Jim's arm wrapping around Astrid's waist in a defensive way.

"What." Astrid rolled her eyes.

"Do you know who my step-daughter is?" she almost begged. Astrid looked at Jim who nodded, she stepped out of his tight embrace and took a few steps forward, she looked at the kind woman in the eyes and smiled weakly.


"What?" she replied unbelievably, "really?"

Astrid nodded and smiled a little and went back to Jim, she smiled at him anxiously and the two walked out the room, hand-in-hand.

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