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Lux Holmes is the daughter of Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock knows she exists, hell he stood outside of the hospital room when she was born. Sherlock knew he wasn't ready to have a kid, being seventeen, so he left and never saw Lux again. Well, she wasn't Lux at the time, seeing as her mother didn't want to name her. For the first four years of Lux's life, her mother called her 'thing' or 'creature', her uncle Mimi was the one to name her Lux.

See, when Mycroft Holmes found out Sherlock left Lux and her mother he was livid. Mycroft took it upon himself to help raise Lux (therefor becoming uncle Mimi), though he couldn't be there all the time...

Lux's mother, Nal, was a horrible woman. Nal would hurt Lux, so much that sometimes Lux couldn't walk. Cuts, burns, bruises, the works. Nal was smart (kinda), she waited until Lux was a little over a year old, an age where she no longer needed diapers or help getting changed. Mycroft would usually do those things as Nal couldn't care less aboutLux. So when Lux stopped needing those things done Mycroft no longer saw her entire body, only her arms, neck, and part of Lux's legs.

Mycroft couldn't even deduce that Lux was being tortured by Nal. Lux was too scared to tell him and she never showed the signs of being in pain.

So, it went unnoticed, for three years. Until one day, on Lux's fifth birthday to be exact, Mycroft was going to surprise Lux with a cat for her birthday. Mycroft woke up earlier than usual to surprise her, he looked all over Nal's house, cat in hand but couldn't find either of them.

Until Mycroft heard his beloved niece screaming at the top of her lungs.

Mycroft, in shock, dropped the cat and ran to where he heard the sound. He almost tripped as he ran down the basement stairs, he'd never been down there before so he had no idea where you were. It was dark, wet and all-around a creepy-ass basement. Mycroft saw a little light in the corner of the room. As he walked closer he had to strain his eyes to see the outline of what looked to be an old wine cellar.

Then he heard it. Lux's ear-piercing screams coming from the other side of that door. Mycroft opened the door as quickly as he humanly could, the door letting out a loud screech, only to find something fit to bein a horror movie.

Nal stopped dead in her tracks, the knife in her hand still submerged in her daughter's flesh. Lux tied to a medical table with her eyes screwed shut. Scars old and new all over Lux's body. Blood. There was blood everywhere. Allover Lux. Mycroft didn't seem to register what was happening at first until he saw all of the medical tools.

Nal quickly let the knife drop from her hand, causing it to fall to the ground with a loud clang.

"Mycroft!"Nal exclaimed. in a fake warm voice as well as a tight smile on her face.

"What on earth are you doing here so early! Come, let's have some tea upstairs!" Nal said, with that same creepy fake warm voice.


"What have you done?" Mycroft's voice was calm and steady.

His body, on the other hand, shook as he felt tears well up. Questions flew through his head. How long has this been going on? Why hadn't he seen it? Is Lux going to live? The biggest question however was,

Why hadn't Lux told me?

"I did what had to be done. She is a freak, she deserves it!" Nal's voice changed drastically. From warm and welcoming to angry and laced with venom.

Mycroft pushed passed Nal and stood over Lux, who was currently unconscious. He quickly looked over all of the open wounds, only one seemed to be urgent. Nal stabbed Lux right under her left lung. Mycroft quickly grabbed some of the gauzes next to the table and placed them on Lux'swound, applying pressure.

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