Chapter 02

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"I know who all of you are, Sherlock Holmes."


Sherlock kept staring at the lass, as he tried and tried to read her to no avail. Lux seemed to grow bored, gently tugging at her uncle's sleeve until he bent to her height. Her small hands reached into his jacket, pulling out what looked to be a pen. She then grabbed his arm, rolling the end of the sleeve upwards, Lux started drawing on Mycroft's forearm.

"What are you drawing?" Mycroft whispered to Lux, though everyone heard.

"A silhouette uncle, of a girl," Lux whispers back, quieter than Mycroft.

John leaned forward in his seat trying to catch a glimpse, though, even Sherlock couldn't see from his seat across from her. Mycroft leaned on the desk as he studied Lux's hand moving, guiding the pen along his skin. 

"Uhm, Lux, do you work?" Gerald asked.

Lux takes a silent breath.

"I do." Her vague answer breaches the tense air around them.

"Anything special?" Donavan asked, voice quiet.

"Mm, I wouldn't say so." Lux replied after some thought.

The room goes quiet, all are unsure on how to continue to get to know Lux without questioning her. Sherlock wants to know more about Lux. He wants to know what he missed, her first word, her first steps. Her first deduction. Sherlock feels regret and guilt pang deep within him as he thinks about it. As he thinks about her.

Once Sherlock looks up he finds Lux's eyes on him, squinting slightly as if to study. He finds it curious how much she looks like him.  Her bright eyes mirror his own, curiously, Sherlock attempts to look farther. Her eyes are an untouched sea of questions and sadness. Or maybe anger? Sherlock couldn't tell. 

Everyone watched their eye contact, sharing nervous glances throughout the room, waiting for one of the Holmes to make the first move. When neither do it makes Mycroft nervous, his hand gently grasps upon Lux's shoulder, immediately grasping her attention as her head spins to face him.

"Unc-" lux starts her, what seems to be question before she's been interpreted.

"Would anyone like a cuppa? Just brewed a fresh pot." A squeaky voice belonging to a older woman standing in the threshold of the flats door.

"Mrs. Hudson. I'd love a cup, thank you. " Mycroft greets, making sure to use his manners around Lux.

"Ah! Mycroft, and you must be Lux? Pleasure to meet you sweets." Mrs. Hudson says as she crosses the room to hug Lux.

Lux stiffens but quickly hugs the older woman before breaking the hug, a little uncomfortable at the contact.

"Pleasure is all mine ma'am, I assume you're the land lady?" Lux tries to be polite as she says this, as she doesn't feel the need to deduct anything off the lady. Relying solely on the information her uncle provided her on the ride over.

"I am! Would you like a cuppa dear? It is cold outside and someone thin as you should be freezing!" Mrs. Hudson exclaims.

"I appreciate the thought Mrs. Hudson but i! Afraid ill pass for now, thank you." Lux pulls a small smile on as she speaks to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2022 ⏰

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