Secrets: The Pack

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~Vikk POV~

'Welcome back to The Nu-Nu-Nu-News! Tonight we are going to be talking about a SUPER strainge subject' the news teller laughed at his "smart" pun, just to lighten the day 'These three hero's are going around town and stopping crimes. Earlier yesterday they- or just one- stopped a store from getting robbed. Lets play the clip.' The screen changed to a small shop, a group of people quickly entered guns out pointing at the citizens, who were cowering behind anything they could. As some of the men were dealing with the citizens a man walked up to the cashier asking- or threating- the lady for money. The lady with shakey hands gave him the cash inside the register. Just before the robber could grab all of the money a man, or teen walked in. His face being covered by his hoodie. But you can see his mouth and the tip of the nose easily.

I looked around the living room. Preston was on his phone trying not to pay attention but his eyes were peeking at the TV. Mitch was laying sideways on the couch, basically taking half the seats, his legs on top of Jerome, Mitch tried to not be too actracted on the screen so he made himself look bored. Jerome was listing to the news as well as Lachlan and Rob. They looked like children watching their favorite TV program.

A robber quickly pulled the triger at the man who walked in. The boy quickly rose his hand up. The bullet stopped in front of the boy in mid air, you could see the panic, confusion, and fright on both the robbers and citizen's face. The news teller started talking again once they paused the recording 'As you can see the bullet stopped in mid air. Normally a bullet wouldn't stop in mid air. And by the look on the citizens they saw it too, their faces filed with fright... That wasn't the only supernatural mystery that happened inside the building... Lets continue looking at the clip.'

The screen swich back to the bilding. The boy rose his other hand and flicked his wrist, if the video was better in quality, you would see the light red mist, the guns being flown off of the men's hand. The screen paused and swich back to the men sitting in chairs, a grin over the middle guy's face 'Wow. Almost like what happened in the bank robbery but with one guy-' his buddy cut him off 'I dunno that body lookmore like a female.' Before the guys could see me I covered my mouth trying not to show my grin, looking at Preston he was basically chuckling quietly to himself. Rob looked at him his head slightly tilting "What's so funny?" He asked a puzzled look on his face "O-oh, don't worry, I just saw a f-funny meme." He grinned trying to keep himself from choking on air, he looked at Mitch who shot him a glare and then looked back at Rob who rolled his eyes and turned to look at the TV again.

'We asked the police of these mysterious humans.' A screen switched to a police officer in front of a microphone oh, he did not look happy 'We spoke with the government and governor, and we came to a conclusion that these people are dangerous. We know they might not do us any harm to our environment. But reacent studies showes the violence level increasing once these men came. The only problem is we do not know if their are others out there. And we do not know if they are good or bad. So right now if your child, friend, or family member has something going on with them that is supernatural. Then please call this number. Four, five, nine, six, one, twenty three. Again, four, five, nine, six, one, twenty three. Thank you and don't worry we will protect you.'

I frowned a throught gaoing through my head, "Yeah... Protect... What have you done?" I streched and stood up, a grin coming across my face "Welp, I am going upstairs!" I turned around walking around the couch before going upstairs. Mitch and Preston came up soon after. I entered Mitch's room and sat down on his desk, my fingers tapping his desk silently. Mitch and Preston entered closing the door from behind them. Once the door closed and Mitch turned his attention to me I glared at him who awkwardly chuckled "What the heck!?" I whispered-yelled at him, my fingers stopped tapping the desk "You were this close to getting shot!" I raised my arm and took my index finger and my thum and kept them less than an inch apart "Calm down. I was not hurt-" "I don't care if you are hurt! You can heal yourself! I am more worried of you getting caught!" "First of all, rude. And second, I had it all under control. Once the police came, I bailed. But don't worry about the criminals they were tied up once I came." He smiled and winked at me, doesn't mean he can do that "I don't care about the criminals. You almost got caught!" Preston looked at me, then at Mitch, then back to me "But he didn't." I glared at him shutting him up, not really needing this right now.

"He is right, though." I face palmed the glared at him through one of the gap between my fingers "You are only agreeing with him because he is on your side, defending you." I pul my hand down, slightly looking my glare, Mitch looked away knowing I was right, I sighed knowing he really wasn't going to stop "Listen I am glad you didn't die. But I need you to be careful. You know what will happen when you get cought." Mitch nodded then smirked looking up at me, or slightly down, knowing he was up to something "Heads up." I looked at him confused but I quickly turned around seeing that a sharp pencil heading towards me.

I teleported to the side and glared at Mitch who flung his fingers towards Preston, the pencle shot towards Preston who ducked down geting the pencle stuck in the door. We both glared at him "What? It was the perfect opportunity." He laughed but then sopped "Now get out of my room." He narrowed his eyes on me and Preston a smirk on his face. Turning around I saw five pencles being aimed at us.

Preston ran out of the door shutting it. And I teleported out. You could hear the small thuds of the pencles being stabbed into the door. I could hear Mitch laugh "Ah, it's so easy to get you two at pranks!" Preston glared at the door, but then he smirked and snpped his fingers "AH!! PUT IT OUT! PUT IT OUT! PRESTON!!" I laughed mumbling 'Go, go, go' while nudging Preston to move. We ran downstairs, Preston close at my tail. Mitch standing on top of the stairway glaring down at us "I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!!" The threatened, mainly to Preston "WELL YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE TRIED TO STAB US WITH PENCLES!!" Preston yelled back followed by a laugh, we ran over to Jerome, Rob, and Lachlan who were in the kitchen giving us an odd look "What are you doing? What happened?" Lachlan tilted his head a confused flash going through his eyes "Mitch tried stabbing us with sharp pencils that somehow got suck on his door. And then Preston dropped Mitch's candle on his..." "Shirt." I looked at Mitch who was running downstairs looking at us with a glare.

Preston ran behind Rob and I ran behind Lachlan a smile on both of out faces. Mitch walled up to the two boys in front of us and stopped knowing they were not going to move "Mind if I make a trade?" He asked a smirk on his face "Of what?" Lachlan asked jokingly "Them." He glared at us two pointing at us. We grinned and Preston stuck his tound out "Thay wouldn't guve us up for an evil mastermind!" I laughed, Rob looked at us and smiled "Why good sir, if it's a trade you want then get us something good and we might think of it." Preston glared at Rob "Hey! I thought you wouldn't give us up!" Preston fake pouted "What it has to be good for me to accept." He shrugged, Mitch walked over to Jerome who just finished making a snadwich and was about to take a bite out of it, but Mitch snatched it "Thank you." "Hey! I just made that!" I couldn't help but laugh knowing Jerome was too lazy to fight back.

Mitch held out the sandwich in front of Lachlan and Rob. Rob who was quick enough, he grab it and smiled "I can't believe you are choosing a sandwhich over me." Preston facked being heartbroken Rob smiled as he took a bite out of it and then spit it out "Eww! Jerome!!" Rob coughed look of discuss goin on his face "What did you put in it?!" Jerome looked at Rob "Umm. Mustard, ketup, mayo, cheese, ham, butter-" Rob threw the sandwich back at Jerome, who caught it "What is wrong with it? I was trying to put all the dressings on the-" he took a bite and his eyes widen running over to the sink "AHH GET IT OFF!!! IT TAST TIRRABLE!! EW EW EW!" Jerome yelled pouring water in his mouth. Mitch face palmed and groaned, but I could see a smile on his face.

"Okay." Mitch laughed "Can I have them?" Lachlan looked at me then back at Mitch "I am happy I did not try that so okay-" "WHAT!?! I'm outa here!" I ran off diving over the counter landing on my stomach, of course if I wanted to land smoothly I would have rolled, but I choose not to, I laughed for a coupple of second "P-peace!" I stood up and ran upstairs. I could hear the laughing and a thud and even louder laughing.

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