Shadows 1: SidePack

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After an evil being made evil shadows no one has ever seen their own shadows, the sun barely rises, the moon basically is the only thing shining down that creates bright light. 12 heros will find their powers and use them for good.

Zerkaa: Strength

Behz: Magic

Minter: Psychokinesis

KSI: Forcefeilds

Wroetoshaw: Speed

Jizzle: Animal Morphing

Star: Intelligence

Craft: Invisibly

Woofless: Ice

Frags: Fire

ASF: Earth/ flowers

Bajan: Time

The Heros will get together and defeat the dark, as a team. Some may argue, some may get taken. But sacrifices might be the way to lead.

~3rd Person POV~

"JANE!!! COME HERE QUICK!!!" a man yelled seeming overly excited about a bottle of potion he was making. A woman, Jane, came running in a panicky mood quickly looking around then at the man "What!?! What happened!?! Are you okay!?!" the man chuckled at her scared mood "No. But look! I did it!" he holds up a bottle with black liquid and some darker swirls and bright light came from it, the most visable thing you could see was something moving inside like a mini snake swimming in a cylinder. The girl gave a serious face before giving him a look of concern at the older male.

"What is that, James?" she asked raising her eyebrow, and putting her hands on her hips and giving an 'are you serious' face. James smiled and put the bottle onthe table "Oh, this is just something I have been studying. Why do you think I've been staying up late at night?" the boy shrugged looking at the woman in the room, Jane glared at him "Listen, you have to stop doing that. You may make a mistake, and I wont be awake to help you. You could get hurt!" she crossed her arms eyes filled with worry "Alright sassy pants. I will be more careful." he said walking around the table to show her closer up. But she backed away puting her hand in front "Nh-hu, don't get that thing near me. Infact you don't even know if it's dangerous!" she said "What do you mean? It looks fine to me. Here." James handed her a book and set the potion on a table, he then flipped to a page that shows unknown language and a picture of the potion and how it's supposed to look like.

"I can even read this!!" Jane exclamed glaring at James, the boy chuckled but mumbled something under his breath, "Heh... Me neither..." the girl looked at him like he killed an army with a pencle "What!? It could be dangerous! That could probably kill someone!" Jane glared at James backing away again "Listen-" "Listen what that could-" "Jane stop! I'll find a way to get rid of it if you don't want it in our house..." Jane's eyes widen and she looked at the taller male "James. I-I didn't mean it like that-" "Then what did you mean?" Jane sighed and nodded rubbing her forehead "Fine you can have it at our house and study it, but if that... Thing. Is dangerous then you have to get rid of it." she eyed the man, he quickly nodded grinning "Yes! Thanks honey!" James said smiling and giving her a kiss on the cheek. Jane chuckled and turned around leaving the room but stopped at the doorway "I'll go feed Luke." she said closing the door calling the name, 'Luke' over and over.

OneShots: The Pack and SidemenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ