Pranks: The Pack

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~3rd Preson~

It was a pretty normal day, or should I say night. It was currently the middle of the night, coupple minuets past, two boys were up planing something. Something not so great for the others.

The two boys grinned looking at each other, "So do we have the eggs, glitter, and the water bolloons ready?" The boy asked looking at the older boy, who nodded "Yep! Just be careful. The fire alarm we just set up should go any time now. Go to your room." Preston grinned and nodded running back into his room jumping on his bed and tried to go to sleep.

April fools, the year to lay pranks on friends and they still get mad at you. Of course these two boys had glitter, eggs, and balloons filled with water. But, they had plenty more pranks for the boys. Plenty more.

'Beep! Beep! Beep! Beeeep! Beeeeeep!'

The ringing of the fire alarm went off sounding throughout the entire house, loud and clear. The boys woke up with a jolt, Jerome pulled his covers aside and looked at the clock. He then ran out of his room, looking around spotting everyone else but the two boys standing outside of the rooms. Panic and confusion on their faces, but after Jerome took a look around the house he saw nothing, probably some dust got in the alarm system.

Jerome took a quick glance in the kitchen he was about to walk away but something caught his eyes, he looked at the fridge, which had a calendar on it, his eyes widen and his mouth dropped, reading the circled date on the calendar.

"It's April fools my dudes. ;)"

"NOO!!! I REFUSE!!! ROB, PRESTON!!!" oh, this is the when the games began there is plenty more to this day...

Vikk grabbed his coffee from the coffee maker, and walked over to the table that was connected to the kitchen. A tired look on his eyes, the fire alarm did not go well for him. The alarm scared the boy, he even couldn't go back to sleep even if he tried hard enough.

Vikk needed to buy things for his friends and himself, it was his turn anyways.

When he finished drinking the coffee, Preston and Rob walked in from the garage, they looked at Vikk and kept their smile. Vikk knew something was up, no way that they're only just one prank, there had to be more.

They then both grinned, Vikk narowed his eyes on them but didn't ask of anything. Once they entered the kitchen, Vikk stood up, he put the mug in the dishwasher and walked out.

He then grabbed his keys from the living room table, and opened the door to leave, but then he stopped dead on his tracks he dropped the key in shock, then he looked at his car with his eyes and mouth wide open "Wha? Nooo! Guys!" He picked up the keys from the ground and unlocked the car.

The car was filled with colorful pitballs. Red, blue, green, yellow, orange, white, and plenty other colors. They filled almost all of his car, he stopped at the side of his car.

"I HAVE GROCERIES TO BUY!!!" the short boy yelled hoping that Rob and Preston could hear. Which they could.

"Aww, come on." He thought of a different idea, he could borrow Lachlan's car, highly doubt he would care if he took it or not, but the only problem was Vikk's car was at the end blocking the rest of the cars, and Rob's car was blaocking the other lane.

"I hate you..." Vikk said to no one in spacific, Preston and Rob soon came outside and saw Vikk staning next to his car glaring at the two "You two are cleaning this up!" He yelled upset, but not really angry because they got him good, "Sorry. I have someting today, but I can help you." Preston grinned walking up to the car next to the passenger door, "No!" But before Vikk could stop him from opening the door, the colorful balls came pouring out of the door.

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