Chapter 22

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The Other Woman



Am I really thinking about doing this? I thought to myself. 

I don't think she would even listen to me. There was also a possibility that she wouldn't believe me. If I was her, I know I wouldn't believe it, or at least, I wouldn't want to believe it.

I sighed out heavily.

I didn't know what to do. I felt torn between the two halves of my subconscious. One half wanted to help as a woman and a person, but the other half wanted to distance myself from this situation while I still had a lingering connection to it.

I've been pondering telling Dr. Milano about Vincent's affair but I was scared. Actually, that was a harsh understatement. I was feeling a series of emotions, each one causing me more discomfort as I hesitantly hovered my fingertips over the keyboard of my laptop.

She had a right to know about what he had been doing. It went on for a long while.

Vincent wasn't the perfect man I saw him to be when we were dating. My views of him had changed drastically when I found out he was married and as much as it pained me to say, I didn't want anything to do with him anymore. He wasn't the man I thought he was and it broke my heart. I knew it would be even harder for his wife to accept the truth but she needed to know.

The light reflecting off of my laptop screen illuminated the pensive expression on my face. I kept replaying the conversation I had with Thalia earlier as I stared at the email address Dr. Milano had provided on her business card in the lobby of her private practice.

I thought about calling the number that was listed but I was too afraid of how she'd react. At least in an email, I wouldn't be put on the spot with questions or accusations in real-time.

I tried to think of what decision I should make but the conversation Thalia and I had kept racing around in my head, stealing all of my attention.

"Do you think it's a good idea, T? Or do you think I should just leave it alone?" I asked with a slight hesitation.

I didn't know if it was the right thing to do to involve myself anymore with this situation with Vincent. I was torn about a lot lately; the majority was about my feelings for Vincent. I tried to tell myself that I didn't love him or care about him anymore but I knew deep down that I still had a place for him in my heart. I felt ashamed to admit it.

As much as I contemplated my feelings for Vincent, I thought about how his wife would be affected by what he did and I wanted to help her while also clearing my conscience.

Since I wasn't fully decided on what to do or not, I asked Thalia for her advice. I've known her long enough to know that she would give me unbiased guidance.

"I don't know, I mean, put yourself in her shoes, Che. Would you want to know if your husband was cheating on you or would you rather stay in a loveless marriage with a two-timing old scumbag?" Thalia grilled.

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