The Beginning Of The Curse

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Zelria P.O.V

                                                   ~12 years ago, White Fang Protest in Mantle~

"Mama, am I doing it right?" I ask innocently while holding up a sign saying "Equality For Faunus!" while smiling up at mama. Receiving a pat on the head and two proud smiles from my parents. "Your doing wonderfully sweetie, keep it up!" I hear my mom tell me as I dance in a circle with my sign. Wandering around the area with my sign, holding it up as high as I can while staying where I can be seen by my parents still. After an hour of protesting we start seeing armed Atlas troops march towards the protesters as I run behind mama, afraid of the strange people. "Mama who are they? They look scary.." Whimpering as I hug her leg as she tries to calm me. "Don't worry Zelria, everything is gonna b-" BANG! 
 I tremble at all the loud sound as I see other faunus start running and screaming. Looking up to my mama for her calming smile, only for my eyes eyes to widen in fear and sadness. There I looked up at the face of my mother...
  With a giant hole straight in her forehead, blood going down her face. "MAMA!!!" I scream and shake her, looking around for my papa as I cry. Leaving her body there to find him as I struggle to get through the fleeing faunus. "Papa!! Where are you!?" I scream only for my voice to be drowned out. Rubbing my eyes in my arms as the gunshots continue when I finally find my papa as he runs towards me with relieved look on his face. I run to hug him when all of a sudden- BANG!
 I stop dead in my tracks as my eyes are wide with fear, sadness, and tears. My father who I finally managed to find in the crowd, with a hole in the side of his head, collapsing onto the ground. I scream out for him as I cry. Being grabbed up by another White Fang member who holds me close and rubs my head. "Don't'll be ok...I won't let them harm you...those damned humans..." A feminine voice says in a calming voice while running away from the location of the gunshots and troops.  "Mama...Papa..." I sniffle as the tears run down my face. Looking up at the masked stranger, only seeing their red hair and horns as I cry myself to sleep in the stranger's arms.

??? P.O.V
 "Those damned humans...this was a peaceful protest...yet it came to bloodshed..." I grit my teeth as I hold the young girl in my arms, running through the streets where my fallen brethren lay. "Even orphaned a child....damn it to hell..." I say to myself as I run into a dark alley and duck for cover, my eyes filled with a burning hatred as I jump into an empty dumpster, gagging instantly at the smell. "Endure the smell...this is our best chance to keep them from finding us.." Muttering as I cover my nose. 

           ~Timeskip brought to you by a chibi baby Zelria sleeping in the stranger's arms~

Still ??? P.O.V

 I lift the lid of the dumpster in order to peek out to check if the coast is clear. Sighing in relief as the troops are gone, having been withdrawn. Looking down at the still sleeping girl with a frown, hugging her close softly as not to wake her. "I will make sure your safe....its time to head back to base...back to Vale." I whisper to the sleeping child, quietly exiting out hiding place as I run through the streets of Mantle and avoiding as many humans as possible. "These damned humans...they all deserve to die. " Finally making it to a hidden warehouse taken over by the White Fang as I lead against the entrance catching my breath. " Vale...pronto." I say between breaths as I show them the young girl.

 Quickly being given a pilot as I get on with the girl, covering her ears with earmuffs so she doesn't wake up from her slumber. Rubbing her head gently as we take off for Vale. "Get all the sleep you need young one...its gonna be a busy day ahead of us.." I whisper to her with a smile.

  "Whose the girl Ms. Taurus?" The pilot asks, looking back at us through his mirror. I simply shrug with a sad smile "I don't know her name...the poor girl was orphaned during the protest...her parents were killed right in front of hell with the humans...cruel bastards." I grit my teeth as I sigh. The pilot nods silently before focusing back on flying. 

  After hours of flying we've finally made it to Vale. Looking out the window at the sights, Beacon Academy standing tall and easy to spot even from this height. I look down as the girl starts to wake up, smiling warmly I push her hair off her face.

 Zelria P.O.V

 Yawning as I start opening my eyes, seeing the same red haired lady with horns that picked me up as she pats my head. "Don't worry young one...your safe...we're in Vale now...a new home. I'll get you something to eat once we're gonna have a long day ahead of you, preparing you for your training." She says warmly, calming me easily as I hug her, starting to cry again as I think of what happened. She wraps her arms around me as she pets me still as she speaks . "Shhh...there there...everything is gonna be alright....we'll make the humans will have your revenge."

                                                                    ~~Present Day~~

I look out the window as I hold my pendent tightly, finally my focus returning to the sight below. Taking a deep breath as I walk to the front of the aircraft, looking out the window to see Beacon Academy ahead of us. "My mission starts Beacon." 

Hey guuuys its meeee!! So uuuh...thats chapter 1 done! How did it go? I'm honestly kinda freaked out about if I might've done anything wrong here. Feedback appreciated! Hope you all have a lovely day!!! Also yes I did intentionally try to start this as dark as I could possibly think of! <3

[Discontinued] Darkness Within (RWBY Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon