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"brother!" you tightly embraced me and my body gave delight as our skins touched "i'm already here y/n , i'm sorry for making you wait" i can hear your calm breathing and damn it makes me go crazy

i looked at you, gently wiping the tears streaming down your face "i-i thought you're gonna leave me! i thought you're gone, i missed you so much"

"i'm already here and i won't leave, brother is here to look after you" i can see the happiness reflecting in your eyes as you stare at me "let me see your arms! do you have bruises?! you've been missing for a week" your eyes are set to my arms, checking them gently to see if there are scars, worried as you might thought i have been beaten up

a smirked was made in silence as one of your family escorts came up to me with a worried face as well, he bowed with respect "we are happy to have you back sir ty, we thought that it's you who was in the funeral bed"

your arms are still linked together around my waist, i gave a kiss to your head before speaking "no, i'm here and i'm back, that might have been another person that we don't know" the guard rolled his sleeves down as a sign of relief

"we were not able to identify the body really well since it's been badly burned and we thought it was you cause you both carry the same watch

"it might have been another victim of the syndicate, but!- " i gave wide smile that has never been seen before, a smile that i was able to form in this face now

"-i'm back and we should celebrate!" i gave a giggle before facing you, making sure to cup your cheeks and giving one on the right a brotherly kiss

"indeed sir ty!" the guard gave a smile before escorting us back inside the yacht till we reached the top deck which is for the family members only

the guards bowed in respect as they greet me welcome back' "we are happy that you're back sir ty, the company would loose such a valuable leader and we do not want that" one of our escorts said before waving his hand as a sign of privacy for our continuous conversation

"where is father?" i asked him as he serve us tea, he gave a gentle shrug as he spoke "guest meeting at lebranc hotel, sir" i fished the phone out of my pocket as i tap something on the screen quickly none of you both can see "i doubt he will be back by tomorrow, he said he has a lot of stuff and he needs to settle business with the rival company"

"i agree he needs some time" i nodded before sipping, glancing at you who was quietly watching as i gave a smile

the three of us conversed till the sun was eaten by the sea and it was night sky above the yacth that was on it's way to our private island

my eyes are up with my mind lost in the view of you sleeping, earlier when i fetched you to your room, and gladly i was able to control my desperation to stay beside you "sir ty!" our escort came running to me with a very undelightful face

"what is it?" i spoke "your father"

"what about father?" i stayed calmly as i can not to ruin my facial expression "the event was ambushed and there are no pending news about your father being on his way home, even his whereabouts"

"send a helicopter and let our men investigate" i took another sip from the tip of the bottle labeled yamazaki'1889 "but-"

"there are no buts! just send our men there and let them do their work" i can smell fear inflicting to his body "how about ms y/n sir, should i inform her about this?"

i snapped and one moment everything was silent and no further panic was felt "i'll personally deal with her about this" i said, completely stepping down the metal stair and storming straight to your room with no sound

with relief and a hint of evil i gave a gentle smile before stroking your hair as you sleep soundly "you made me this desperate y/n , it makes me go crazy"

i gave a light kiss on your cheek as simple thoughts came to my mind "atleast i was able to make sure your brother turns to solid ashes so that no one can take you away from me again-

now watch your father goes with him allowing me to have this company. it's mine, you're mine-

you are all under my possesion"

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