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Once upon a time but never in Mexico
A woman lived who wishes no trágico,
She was as fragile as a glass there is
Who lived her days surviving in Venice,

Woman is disrespected and men call it bravo,
And every man acts like a prideful gustavo,
Education is for rich and poor can't get one,
Money talks for love, political and brand,

She run run run away, it's only her attempt
The venice walls are high, she cried for help,
Eyes are swollen for they kept her in a cage
Women who rebels are kept in and seized,

She said “no señor, please let me go.”
He said “no lady, stay still for me, go.”,
That was when objectification was born
Then most men adopted it and learned,

The children were told to act as if none happened
But they mature better and know what mattered,
So the elders had to teach them the lesson,
That every wrong doing has a valid reason,

Until this day she kept on screaming for the value
That every man can act like an honored chivalry,
For she believed it shouldn't go on for millennia
Asking for help that respect is for every veronica.

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