[2] tutor?!

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I woke up by the sound of my phone ringing, I slowly sat up on my bed and answered the call. '' Hello who is this? '' I ask with a morning voice.

'' BITCH GET THE FUCK UP WE START SCHOOL IN FUCKING 5 MINUTES! '' I hear Tamra shout, '' Tamara It's summer break, we don't have school. '' I chuckle. '' BITCH THE SUMMER BREAK HAS FUCKING ENDED! '' I hear her shout again. I look at the time. Oh my! '' BITCH WHY DID YOU TELL ME IT NOW?! '' I shouted and hang up. I immediately walked over to my wardrobe and searched for clothes. I can't believe I'm going to be late for the first day of school, oh my I'm so dumb! I just took something that looked cute for school. A brown long sleeve shirt and white jeans. I wore the clothes so fast that the jeans almost ripped. I ran to the bathroom and quickly wrapped my scarf around my head. I grabbed my bag and ran to the kitchen, I saw my family eating breakfast. '' Sabah al Noor (good morning) '' I said and took an apple to eat.

'' Why are you late for school? '' My dad asked me in Arabic. '' Baba, I thought It was still summer break. '' I chuckled and was about to walk out to catch the bus. '' Ouf Rasha Ouf, what are we going to do with you? '' I heard him say and I laughed.

The bus was about to drive away when the chauffeur saw me running and waving. I walked into the bus, '' Rasha are you going to continue getting late the whole year? '' Mr.Parker who is the chauffeur said and I chuckled. '' No I promise this will be the last time. '' I say and he nodded. I took a seat beside the window. I looked at the time, fuck a few minutes until I begin. What lesson do I even have first? I look at my schedule and saw that I have history, great. I hate the history teacher, she will kill me when she sees that I got in late.

I heard my phone ping, I took it up and saw that Tamara had messaged me.

Gurl, we have a new history teacher. He's not new or something but Mrs.Green quit and we have him now for the rest of the year. He's the one who Medina loves. - Tamara. Omg yes!!! I don't have to see Mr.Green's nasty face anymore, wait do we have the teacher Medina loves? Well, I'm excited to meet my brother in law. hihihi.

I run towards my locker and threw everything in, I slammed it and ran towards the history class. When I opened the door I lost my balance and fell to the ground. '' HAHAHAHA! '' I heard everyone in the class laugh. '' Ouch! '' I groaned. I see some black shoes standing in front of my eyes. I get up and brushed the dust from my clothes, '' Who are you? '' I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up, and when I tell you my jaw dropped I really mean it! What was he doing here?! Is he here to bring back his chips?! Omgad but I ate it all. He narrowed his eyes at me and looked at me shocked. Then a big smile appeared on his face, fuck he fucking recognized me. '' Mr.Bashar get used to it she's always late. '' Dylan said, I glared at him and he laughed.

'' But she may have a reason why she's late, ask her Mr.Bashar! '' Xavier said and my hand turned into a fist. '' Why are you late, young lady? '' Mr.Bashar smirked at me and I bite my lower lip. '' Umm, I thought... I thought... It was still summer break... '' I almost whispered, I hear the whole class burst out laughing. I saw Mr.Bashar chuckling, '' Go take a seat. '' He said and I nodded.

I saw Tamara waving, I sat next to her. '' Don't tell me he's our new teacher for the rest of the year. '' I said and she chuckled. '' He's our teacher and our brother in law. '' She winked at me and I rolled my eyes. '' So as I said, I'm your teacher in history and In P.E. '' He says and everyone gasps.

'' P.E? '' Someone asked and he nodded. '' Yes, you had Mrs.Green In P.E too so I' your new teacher in both subjects. '' He says. I miss Mrs.Green already.

An hour later

'' That's what we're going to work with these three weeks, does anyone have a question? '' He asks and everyone shakes their heads. '' Then you're all dismissed, expect Rasha. Please stay behind. '' Om- nooo please Is he planning to scold me for yesterday, I'm so dumb why did I take the chips from him. He looked around like he searched for a girl named Rasha, his eyes laid on me and I nodded. He smiled and everyone ran out, '' I'll wait for you near the lockers. '' Tamara said and I smiled at her. She walked out and Mr.Bashar closed the door behind her. He took some steps closer to me,

'' Look, I'm so sorry! I shouldn't take the chips from you know I was so dumb, but I really needed it. '' I said and he looked with his eyebrows raised. '' Do you think I called you behind because of you stealing the chips I bought? '' He asked, '' Well I guess, why would you call me then? '' I asked him.

'' Because you have a low grade in history, the principal wanted me to tutor every senior who has a low grade in history and you were the only one who had a low grade in history. '' He said and I looked at him with my eyes widen.

'' No! Please don't tell me that you're going to tutor me, please not you! '' I almost yelled and he chuckled. '' I'm going to tutor you until your grade has gotten higher, you will meet me in this classroom after school every day. '' He said and I felt my heart drop. '' No why me! '' I almost cried. '' Well Rasha you never should steal someone else's chips, '' He crosses his arms. '' It was my chips! '' I say and storm out.

And he's the one Medina loves?!


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