Chapter Thirty | Report!

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Chapter Thirty | Report!

"Where are they?" Raven asked aloud, face pulled in worry. It had been hours and there was still no sign of the four teenagers.

Octavia bit her lip. "We'll find them." She hoped.

"I thought you said you were heading west." Monty's voice came in through the radio, filled with static. "Where are you?"

"Just keep the moon to your left." Bellamy replied, holding his radio to his lips. "And you'll find us."

Octavia found it funny that Bellamy said they couldn't stay out past dark, yet here they were, risking it all to find Aurora, Clarke, Finn, and even Myles.

"This morning, all I could think about was how much easier this would all be if Finn was just gone." Raven's eyes were glazed over with unshed tears as she stared ahead. It was obvious the girl felt guilty about Finn going missing, despite the fact that he had cheated on her. Not that Octavia was surprised. From what the younger Blake sibling knew, Finn had cheated on Aurora with Raven years ago.

Karma's a real bitch.

"You didn't wish this into being, Raven." Octavia said aloud, pushing away her nasty thoughts. They needed Raven focused and the only way to do that was to get her to stop feeling guilty. "Stop torturing yourself."

Bellamy licked his lips as they moved, turning to stare at Octavia and Raven. He cleared his throat, ending their conversation. "This is the path to the river that Aurora would have taken. Keep an eye out."

Raven sighed as she swallowed a retort, knowing now wasn't the time to start problems. She scanned the darkened woods, using the light from the torch in Bellamy's hand to see. She frowned as she spotted a glob of fabric up ahead, pushing quickly past Bellamy.

"What is it?" He asked as she bent down.

Raven blinked hard as she stared the jacket before her. It was black and a white logo sat on it but not just any logo. It was one of their logos, or more specifically the Arks. She held the jacket up once she stood and turned to show Bellamy. "It's your guard jacket."

Bellamy's face fell. "Aurora was wearing that earlier."

Before anyone else could speak the radio crackled again, Monty's voice wavering through. "Is anyone else hearing this signal?"

Bellamy growled into the radio. "Damn it, Monty. Pay attention! Do you see anything? Report."

Suddenly a russle was heard, everyone's head snapping to a nearby bush. Raven's eyes were wide as she watched the leaves moving. "Oh my god. There's someone in the bushes."

Everyone slowly inches closer.

Then he came out.

It wasn't just someone, it was Myles. He was covered in blood, body shaking as he collapsed onto his back.

"Myles!" Octavia was first to react, going to the boy's side. She quickly surveyed the arrow in his chest and upper thigh, swallowing hard.

Raven came closer. "Myles? What happened? Where are they? Clarke, Finn, and Aurora? Where are they?"

Myles eyes rolled into the back of his head for a moment before settling on Raven. His breathing was ragged as he groaned. "Grounders..." He wheezed. "Took them."

"Take it easy." Bellamy soothed, swallowing the fear that came the second Myles confirmed their Grounder fears. He stared down at the pain filled face Myles was sporting before making a harsh decision. "We have to get him back to camp."

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