Chapter Six | The Nightmare Never Ends

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Chapter Six | The Nightmare Never Ends

It was hours later that Aurora finally stirred awake. She blinked away the sleep from her eyes, scanning her surroundings. She was laying on Bellamy's left side, her head on his chest, the boy's left arm wrapped securely around her shoulders. What startled her even more was the fact that his right hand was holding hers, his fingers warm and calloused. She felt safe in his arms, something she had never felt before. It was unsettling, especially when everyone else seemed to scare her. There was just something about Bellamy Blake that Aurora couldn't figure out.

He was different.

She didn't understand it. One minute he was cold, cocky, mean and the next he was sweet, caring, and nice. It was like fire and ice. It was as if Bellamy put on a mask when around others, a mask that would fall when with her. She was the same too. It was like she couldn't hide herself from him and she didn't know if that was a good or bad thing.

She frowned for a moment before everything came back to her all at once. The flashback of the freezer, the yellow fog and Atom's screams for help. Aurora sat up, Bellamy's eyes snapping open instantly. He stared at her for a moment, yawning. "Is it day?"

"I don't know." Aurora answered, glancing at Charlotte. The girl was sound asleep with the knife Bellamy had given her locked in a death grip. She glanced at Bellamy. "Uh, why is she cuddling a knife?"

Bellamy choked out a laugh at her choice of words, eyes wide for a moment. "It's a long story."

Aurora smiled slightly despite the anxiety in her stomach. She glanced around the cave, wrapping her arms around herself.

Bellamy sat up, all humor off his face. He gently placed his hand on her leg, giving a comforting squeeze. Aurora frowned at herself. Anyone else touching her would make her flip out but for some reason with Bellamy that never happened. "Did he really throw you in a freezer?"

Aurora tensed, the feeling of being trapped resurrecting inside her. She could practically feel her fingernails tearing and hear her screams. "Sometimes it would be days before I got out. My fingernails would tear from scratching. One time..." Aurora shuddered, wringing her hands together as she stared ahead. "I passed out. They... they said I had a Tonic-clonic seizure. That it was one of the worst kinds of ones. It was from stress, fear, a panic attack, maybe. I don't know. I just... That's when Abby found out."

"About your Dad?" Bellamy asked frowning. He knew Abby was Clarke's mom, but did she really know?

"Yeah." Aurora nodded slowly, confused with how much she was sharing. It seemed that Bellamy Blake could get her to open up to him with a glance, without her even realizing it. "She tried to help. It only made it worse. Eventually I stopped seeing Clarke. I stopped seeing everyone."

"Oh." Bellamy fell silent for a moment. "Um, I have another question."

Aurora turned to face Bellamy. "What?"

"Uh." He hesitated for a moment, scratching the back of his neck uncomfortably. "Um, have you and Finn ever... y'know?"

Aurora knew what he was saying but still made a confused face. "I know what?"

Bellamy kept his eyes from her, choosing to stare around at the cave. "Nevermind."

Aurora rose a brow at him as she crossed her arms over her chest, thankful for the distraction. "You wanted to know if Finn and I dated?"

Bellamy snapped his eyes to hers with lightning speed. He stared for a moment before his lips pulled into a disbelieving smile. He released something between and scoff and snort, amused. "You wanted me to say it?"

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