Chapter Twenty-Seven | It Won't Survive Me

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Chapter Twenty-Seven | It Won't Survive Me

Octavia then walked over to Finn and Clarke, smiling lightly. "I'll help you get Clarke into the dropship."

Aurora watched the three vanish into the dropship. Everything was still for a moment and it took Aurora a moment to realize Bellamy was whispering into her ear. His voice was soft and calming, but not enough to wash away the haze on Aurora's mind.

"Baby, listen to me." Bellamy was whispering, his breath warm. "I'm not letting you die. I don't care what anyone says. Your not dying. I refuse to lose you." Then he was pulling her to her feet and spinning her around to face him. He held her face in his hands and stared straight into her eyes. "Understand?"

Aurora nodded ever so slowly and before she could protest, his lips were on hers. Her panic increased as she pulled away. "No, Bellamy. You'll get sick."

Bellamy cocked his head to the side, lips hovering over hers. "I don't care."

"I do." Aurora mumbled, heart aching.

Bellamy smiled softly.

Then he kissed her again.

This time she didn't pull away. Instead she let his arms wrap around her waist and pull them impossibly closer. She always loved the way their bodies would meld together and now wasn't any different. His touch was warm and despite the way she felt with that virus running through her blood this made her happy.

He made her happy.

Someone cleared their throat, causing Aurora and Bellamy to break apart. When Aurora turned to see who it was Octavia was standing there, staring at the pair with something unreadable in her big brown eyes. "Clarke wants you back in bed. I came to get you."

Bellamy nodded to his sister, turning to smile down on Aurora once again. "Remember what I said, okay?" Aurora nodded silently as Bellamy rubbed soothing circles on her cheek, causing Aurora's heart to flip inside her. He moved forward to press a lingering kiss on her forehead. "I'll come see you later, after I handle all this Grounder preparation."

"Okay." Aurora mumbled, already feeling the absence of his presence. She smiled at him as he turned to leave before turning back to an awaiting Octavia. The girl had the same unreadable look in her eyes as she smiled at Aurora.

"How many bullets can you make by first light?" Bellamy was saying as he walked away.

"What's that look for?" Aurora asked as Octavia slipped an arm around her waist. Aurora leaned into the younger Blake as the pair made their way back to the dropship.

"No reason." Octavia chirped.

Aurora rolled her eyes. "O, I know you were making a face at me and Bell."

"Well, I mean yeah." Octavia droned, sarcastically. "Cause watching my brother actually kiss a girl for this long is a little disturbing."

"Shut up." Aurora laughed, cringing when I sharp pain filled her stomach. She stopped for a moment sucking in fresh air as Octavia stared at her in concern.

"You okay?" Octavia released Aurora's waist to move in front of her and meet her eyes.

Aurora nodded quietly, eyes closed. "Just a little pain. It will go away in a second." She rasped, holding her stomach. It took only a few more seconds of gust twisting pain before Aurora was finally able to relax her tense muscles. She pulled her eyes open to meet Octavia's but the girl still looked more than concerned.

"Are you sure your okay?" She asked, biting her lip ever so softly.

"I'll be better once this virus is gone." Aurora quipped, sighing as she rubbed her eyes.

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