Chapter Twenty-Three | Best Unity Day Ever.

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Chapter Twenty-Three | Best Unity Day Ever

By the time the group had all reached the gate, the sky had cleared. The sun was now blazing in the sky, blinding even. They were all out of breath. Finn and Clarke had been in the front, coming to a halt outside the camp gates. Octavia had tear streaks on her cheeks as she stopped too, Bellamy and Aurora the last to arrive.

Aurora felt a small pinch of worry for Lincoln, the man had been attacked by his own people and Aurora wasn't even sure if that had been an accident or not. She just hoped that his people didn't murder him over them, Aurora wasn't ready to have yet another death on her concious.

As they all stopped, Aurora realized Finn had a nasty glare locked on Bellamy, one the boy in question had just noticed. Bellamy's jaw ticked as he glared back. "Got anything to say?"

"Yeah!" Finn shouted, face red. "I said no guns!"

Aurora took a step in front of a fuming Bellamy. With everything that had seen happening, it was hard to remember that Bellamy hated Finn's guts right now. Aurora had managed to keep the pair apart since Bellamy had overheard Aurora and Finn's fight, and she wasn't about to have Bellamy decide Finn was healthy enough for a beating now. Her back faced Bellamy as she snarled at Finn. "They brought weapons too, Finn! We'd be dead without those guns!"

"I told you we couldn't trust the Grounders." Clarke cut in before a full on brawl could happen. Finn's jaw clenched as he scoffed, turning to now give Clarke the stank eye. Clarke only gave him a cold stare. "I was right."

Clarke was never one to rub her success in another's face, which was why her words had been so surprising. Granted, Clarke was neither on the best terms with Finn at the moment. Aurora knew Clarke was still hurt about Finn, hell, even Aurora was still jared from her breakup with Finn years ago.

Finn looked like he wanted to yell, but at the last moment decided better. He took in a deep breath, giving Clarke a calmer look. Before he could speak though, Raven was sauntering up. Her eyes hesitated on Aurora, pain flashing in her heart when she remembered how Finn felt towards his first girlfriend.

Raven couldn't find a reason to be mad at Aurora. Aurora was scary when needed but Raven was the bitch who stole Aurora's boyfriend. Raven had known of Aurora when she had meant Finn all those years ago and still let the cheating happen. If anything, Aurora should hate her, which Raven was sure to be true.

Raven shook away her wandering thoughts, focusing guarded eyes on Finn. "Why didn't you tell me what you were up too?"

"I tried..." Finn started, face morphing into a scowl as he crossed his arms over his chest. "But you were too busy making bullets for your gun."

Bellamy's eyes narrowed, mind flashing to the arrow that had been seconds away from slicing into Aurora's head. "Your lucky she brought that!" His sudden outburst made everyone flinch, his yell a loud echo in the too silent woods. Aurora was sure now that the kids patiently awaiting their arrival had heard. His mind seemed to be in perfect sync with Aurora's today as his eyes flashed to the still closed gate. He lowered his voice to a menacing growl as he turned back to Finn. "If it wasn't for Lincoln, Aurora would have an arrow lodged in her face. They came there to kill you, Finn."

"You don't know that!" Finn growled out just as low. He clenched his jaw, eyes darkening as he stared at Bellamy. Aurora recognized that look easily. It was the same dark look Finn had gotten right before grabbing Aurora during their fight all these days ago. "Jasper fired the first shot!"

Finn then charged forward. Aurora jumped in the way before Bellamy could process what Finn was doing. Aurora jutted out her chin as Finn's dark eyes spotted her.

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