Finally.. if you know what I mean

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WARNING: Jai and Ari go ALL THE WAY in this chapter!

There is some mature content. Continue with discretion.

Also, please give me feedback as you read. I love those. Just whatever pops into your mind when you're reading.


Instead of the hard ground she expected to feel, Ariana landed on a surprisingly soft and warm ... body? "It's okay, I've got you!", came the reassuring voice of Miley Cyrus.

Ariana rolled off the brunette as if her skin was on fire. "You've got me? You're the one who made me fall! I was doing fine until you screeched", she whispered lowly, so as not to alert the house. "And what the hell are you doing in my backyard in the middle of the night?"

"Oh... well, you see..."

Her answer was interrupted by the appearance of the other teenager of the house when Zac quietly stuck his head out of a first floor window which Ariana recognized as the powder room off the main foyer.

"Miley", he called in relief and then, "Ariana?", in annoyance. "What are you doing here?" And then, nervously asked, "You're not going to tell Mom and Dad, are you?"

"Tell Mom and Dad what, Zac?" Ariana was standing now with her hands propped defiantly on her hips as she looked suspiciously between her brother and Miley. "Oh my God, you're sneaking", and then she dropped her voice to a whisper, "a girl into our house at one o'clock in the morning. I'm shocked, Zac. What would mom say about her wittle sweetie pie?"

"Ari, please, don't tell. I'll do any..."

"Stop, Zac ... before you say something you'll regret." This interruption came from the unlikely source of Zac's light haired femme fatale. "The question should be what was Ariana doing sneaking out at one o'clock in the morning."

"Well... I... that's none of your business!", Ariana sputtered indignantly.

"Then, I don't think this", Miley reached over and grabbed onto Zac's hand, nearly pulling him out of the open window, "is any of your business."

Ariana thought a moment before replying. "Zac, how'd you wind up with such a smart girl?"

Zac shrugged silently. And Ariana turned around to leave, but Miley's voice caused her to stop.

"Hey, Ariana? Have fun with Jai. He loves you very much, you know."

"Um... Thanks, Miley. I will and ... you ... um ... have fun too."

I hope things get serious with them.. Miley is good for him.

Ariana smiled inwardly and pulled up her dark hood before quickly jogging off towards the garage.


The Grande/Efron family had a large garage and that was putting it lightly. Her step-father's passion was his car collection; therefore, instead of a two-car garage or a three-car garage, David Efron had a 16-car garage. This wasn't the garage attached to the house, of course, where his every-day car was stored and her mothers repaired BMW, her Mustang and Zac's Mercedes. This garage was further away from the main house, which was why Ariana chose it. No one would hear the engine. Thirty seconds later, she quietly pulled out in a candy-apple red Aston Martin, letting it coast silently down the long driveway. Jai would love this. He had told her more than once about how Kobe Bryant had jumped over a speeding Aston Martin. Well, maybe she'd let him drive Daddy's.

By the time she parked the car three houses away from Jai's and walked up to his house, it was 1:45, so she definitely didn't want to wake anyone ... well, anyone but Jai, that is. Picking up a handful of pea gravel, she flung it at Jai's second floor bedroom window. Luckily, everyone in Los Angeles used some form of rocks in their landscaping. It hit with a huge splat, much more loudly than Ariana intended and she reflexively ducked down to hide in the shadows.

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