Get Me to the Airport on Time

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One week later...

"I'm not going!", Jai announced as he flopped backwards onto his bed.

"Please Jai, it won't be so bad", pleaded his girlfriend, Miley, as she held up her fuchsia t-shirt.

Jai's t-shirt was crumpled in the corner of his room where he threw them.

"Yes, it will. I'm not wearing that stuff. On the other hand ... it would be kinda nice to see you in that", indicating Miley's t-shirt.

"I don't know how I'm going to get out of the house in this", she lamented, "my mom will kill me."

"I think you'll look great", Jai said as he wiggled his eyebrows over his sexy 'bedroom eyes'. "Try it on. Please...", he begged.

"I don't know, Jai, I'm not really comfortable with this."

"You're not really comfortable with a lot of stuff, Miles."

Jai felt terrible as he saw Miley's face fall and he immediately regretted what he had said.

"Oh God, Miles, I'm so sorry. It's just ...", he said as he swept his fingers through his hair in a frustrated motion.

"I know, I know, I'm just ...", Miley said nervously.

"I don't mean to pressure you", Jai continued, "really", he added, almost as an afterthought.

"I know ... I'm just not ready."

"I know and I understand, really, I do", he says as he envelops her in a hug. He closes his eyes tightly as he prays that he is telling her the truth.


One week later, i.e., the morning the flight leaves

"I look ridiculous", Jai said into his cell phone. He was angrily pacing back and forth across his bedroom floor while wearing the Grande Industries' fuchsia t-shirt.

"I'm sure you'll be fine; just put a button-up shirt on top of the t-shirt", Miley told him as she tried to unsuccessfully pull down her own 'T' to cover more of her stomach, all the while balancing her phone between her neck and ear.

"Okay, I'll try that. Hey, I guess I'll meet you at the airport later."

"I'll see you later."

"Right, and I'm glad you decided to wear the shirt. I can't wait to see you in it."

"Oh, my mom hasn't gotten a good look at me yet, so we'll have to see what happens. She may throw a big black garbage bag over me or something."

"It won't be that bad. Bye, Miles."

"Okay, bye-bye."

Meanwhile, at the Grande's..

"Ariana! Baby we're going to be late!" Joan called from the bottom of the staircase as she worriedly looked at the time on her watch. Her step son, Zac and her husband were already in the car waiting.

"I need more time mom! I overslept!" Ariana quickly replied from her room, where she was scurrying around packing last minute essentials. She was in a skirt and just her bra, while her hair was wrapped in a towel, praying to God it would dry in time.

"We don't have time! Your father and brother are already in the car. Meet us there, take my BMW!" Joan yelled, grabbing her bag and heading for the front door.

Ariana paused to herself as she pulled on her shirt and smiled, mumbling. "The 'beemer', huh? Sweet",


Meanwhile, Jai and Luke were driving themselves to the airport. Jai started to relax and stretched out his legs as much as the small car would allow. Immediately, his feet became ensnarled in something on the floor and Jai reached down to untangle himself. His face was screwed into a confused expression as he pulled up a jump rope and looked at it questioningly.

"Hey, Luke, what's this doing in the floor?", he asked, innocently, as he held up the rope, "You're normally psycho about keeping 'Bessie' clean."

"What!", Luke replied in a panicked voice. "Oh that's nothing, man", he said as he reached over to grab the rope from Jai with the intention of throwing it in the backseat.

However, Jai wouldn't let go of it and they started a tug-of-war with rope.

"Oh, I think there's more to this than meets the eye. What gives, man?"

"It's nothing! I told you. Now give it back!"

As they continued to argue and struggle with the rope, the VW started drifting into the left lane and they didn't see the small black BMW roadster peeling backwards out of a long driveway until it was too late.


Ariana's BMW - correction, Ariana's mom's brand-new 2014 BMW Z4 3.0i Roadster with 3.0 liter DOHC, 24-valve, 215-hp engine, slammed right into the front bumper of 'Bessie' with a loud crunch.

Once Ariana untangled herself from the airbags (front and side), she stormed over to the little blue car.

"What do you think you're doing?", she screamed at Luke. "You just crashed into my moms car!"

Jai and Luke, momentarily stunned by the impact, stared up at her in dismay. Luke recovered first and tossed the offending jump rope into the backseat where it would, hopefully, be forgotten.

"Me! Me! You're the one who ran into me!", Luke screamed back at her as he jumped out of the car through the open window.

"Look at these cars! How did your car get way over on the left side of road in the first place? It's like you were aiming for me or something."

"'Aiming for you'?...", Luke was momentarily taken aback when he got a good look at what Miley was wearing. 'Wow, she looks like one of those working girls from an episode of CSI; the cheap, hot looking ones who always end up getting murdered', he thinks to himself. Out loud, he continues, "I would never willingly come within ten feet of you, woman!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!", said Jai to both of them, "Guys, calm down. This isn't getting us anywhere. There's no need to panic."

"You idiot, I just crashed my mom's brand new BMW! THIS IS THE PERFECT TIME TO PANIC!", yelled Ariana.

"Yeah, you're right. I just meant we shouldn't waste our time panicking when it doesn't help anything."

"Yeah, but how are we going to get to the airport now?", asked Luke calmly.


Yes I know you're probably confused on why Miley is Jai's girlfriend - but it will make sense lol. And why they all hate each other - cause they do. But vote and comment!

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