Aint love grand?

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Hey guys! So if you're interested, which I really hope you are, I've posted an Ariana video on YouTube and I'd love if you guys checked it out and left comments telling me what you think!

Here's the link:

Please check it out and tell me if you liked it.

Anyways. On with the story!


"Ariana? Wake up, Ari." A gentle hand nudged her shoulder and she grumpily rolled over onto her back. Toulouse took this opportunity is burrow down further under the covers. Brushing her loose hair out of the way, she squinted up at her brother who was sitting anxiously on the edge of the bed.

"What do you want, Zac?" Her voice sounded raspy and full of sleep.

"Nothing." He was so full of energy, one of his knees was bouncing nervously and causing the entire bed to shake. "I'm just so happy you're back! I realllly missed you, sis. And I always knew you were still alive, but would anyone listen to me? I don't think so. Oh, you would have loved the memorial service. Mrs. Blake just went on and on and ..."

"Memorial service? What memorial service?"

"Oh, it was SRO. The entire auditorium was packed. In fact they were actually thinking of having an encore show for the people who had to be turned away."

This got her attention and Ariana scooted up in the bed to hear more. With a curious smile on her face, she urged him to continue, "Tell me more. Did people cry?"

"Well, to tell the truth, I only watched it later on video. Our English class filmed it. I-I couldn't stay there." Zac stood up and walked over to look out Ariana's large palatial window. Facing away from his sister, he said, "See I always refused to believe you were gone and I couldn't sit there mourning someone who wasn't dead." Then, he turned back around and smiled widely. "But I did watch the DVD. Oh my God, Ariana you would have loved it."

Ariana crossed her legs under her and leaned forward excitedly. "Oh Zac, I've missed you too", she giggled as he sat back down on the bed and she reached over to clasp his hands. "Now, tell me more."

"Did I tell you Mrs. Blake fainted at the end of her performance? ... I mean ... testimonial."


The bedroom door opened quietly and two figures crept inside slowly. A third joined them, yelping loudly when he tripped on a discarded tennis shoe left on the floor.

"Skip, dude", Luke hissed in a low voice. "Chill out, you're going to wake him up."

Luke, James and a limping Skip continued quietly into the room until they completely surrounded their friend's bed with Skip standing at the foot. He slowly pulled out a shiny brass bugle and waggled his eyebrows as he swung it up to his lips.

Luke silently held up three fingers, which slowly changed to two, and then one, and then...

"Ari, baby. Oh God, yesssss. Just like that", Jai moaned in his sleep and oblivious to the presence of his best friends and brother, rhythmically pumped his hips up and down in a pantomime of his dream.

"What the hell?", James exclaimed in shock.

"Shhhh!", Luke said while swiftly waving his hand in a downward motion, trying to get James to be quiet so they could hear more. Unfortunately, Skip thought this was the signal to start blowing reveille.

Da da dat da da da da dat da da da da dat da da dat da daaaaa!

Jai sprung up in his bed and grabbed the first thing he could to defend himself against whoever was making that horrendous noise - his football. Flinging it with all his might, he pummeled the ball directly at the end of Daniel's bugle which drove the bugle directly into Daniel's lips which promptly started bleeding all over Jai's carpeted bedroom floor.

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