Chapter 37: Dicks, Chicks, & Cookies w/ Chocolate Chips

Start from the beginning

Jimin slapped my hand away, his hands going back on his tiny hips as he glared at me. "Well, it was still uncalled for, you need to apologize."

"I'm trying to, but you keep getting in my way! Back off, you're acting like a crazy girlfriend," I said, reaching over further to grab JK by the arm as I pull him up. He sits up, and I inspect his jaw. It's a little red, but it shouldn't bruise.

I ruffled his hair and stick out my bottom lip, quietly communicating to him that I felt bad for what I did.

JK gave my knee a pat, saying "It's alright, Hyung. I shouldn't of attacked like that. You know how I get when I'm excited."

Jimin ignored our exchange, instead focusing on what I last said to him. "I'm not acting like a crazy girlfriend!"

"You're obviously excited and acting territorial over him," I said, standing up and picking up my phone, sliding it in my pocket.

"I am not," Jimin scoffed.

"Yeah, well your dick says otherwise," I said, heading for the door. Joon and I both started to laugh as we walked out, Jimin quickly glancing down. Jimin was hard again.

*Teeny Tiny Time Skip*

We had gotten dressed since we all showered last night, and made our way downstairs. We got to the kitchen about 11:40 a.m., and we were starving.

I heard Lil yell before I saw her.

"What in the world – do we have elephants on the stairs," Lil yelled, running out from the kitchen. She stopped about a foot away from us, JK in front of me, with Jimin and Joon trailing behind. Lil caught sight of us all, but her eyes zeroed in on JK.

Lil gasped, lunging for JK, grabbing him by the face as she squishes his cheeks hard.

"Oh MY GOD IT'S MY BUNNY BOY," Lil yelled, standing as far on her tip toes as she could to reach Jungkooks face. His face was so smashed all you could make out was his two front teeth – he literally looked like a smashed bunny rabbit in her clutches.

Jungkook wriggled free, leaning down to wrap his arms around Lil as he grabbed her in a bear hug and twirled around and around, his lips finding her cheek for a wet smootch.

"Lil I missed you so so so so so so so so so so so much," JK said, finally setting her down. As soon as her feet touched the floor Jimin rushed over, throwing his small frame at her. Jimin was the same height as me, 5'9", but I outweighed him by 10 lbs. He pulled Lil into a hug, gently kissing the top of her head.

"I missed you too, Lil, you have food for me, yes," Jimin asked, searching her face for the answer.

"Oh get, get away with you, boy," Lil said, smirking as she slapped Jimin away. She made a beeline for Namjoon. Lil just stopped and stood in front of him.

"You're as tall as a tree, boy. I'm afraid if I hug you, I'm going to have my face in a place I don't want it to be," Lil said, rather sassily.

Joon chuckled at this and bent down as far as he could to give Lil a gentle hug, pressing a kiss to the top of her head as well.

Jimin clapped excitedly behind her, which got JK to start clapping.

"So now that is done, where is the food," said Jimin.

I chuckled at Jimin, excitement is always bubbling out of him – whether it's coming from his mouth, his dick, or his stomach.

Funny thing is, JK is just the same way, which is why they seem to be a good match.

Lil turned and slipped her arm into Jimin's, and then grabbed ahold of JK the same way.

"Since you want food so bad, sounds like you're ready to go make it for all of us," Lil said, dragging Jimin into the kitchen with JK in tow.

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