Vice. (pt.1)

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      I'm back friends! Thank you for all your kind messages and support. W/O further adieu, please enjoy with the music, as always! :)

      Hours later, I sit on the edge of my enormous bed, staring at my reflection in the mirror. My mind keeps constantly replaying my vision from earlier over and over again as I struggle to process the strange feeling of familiarity.

     Who was that man...And why was I having visions of him?...or even visions in the first place?

      When hades had asked me about my episode, I didn't say a thing.
    I can't explain why, but my lips decided against telling him about the strangely familiar figure and its message.
      The reasons for this were past me. There was just something mysterious about Hades.

      Something wrong. Very wrong. A very strong gut feeling overwhelms me.

      I push myself off the plush mattress and wander up to the mirror for the hundredth time today. Too disturbed by all the events of the past few weeks, I decide it is time.

      I have been devising a plan to get me into that office, since it was connected to the infirmary. It wasn't the prettiest plan, but it was going to have to do.
      It also involved Violetta, which was going to be the hardest part: convincing her to let me out. She was an incredibly compassionate lady, but I could tell she was also equally as stern and fearful for her life.
      This isn't going to be easy, but I've been overcome with the desire to find out exactly what he is hiding. What secrets are entrapped behind those large, cold doors?

      After going through my usual morning routine, I waste no time. Once I am escorted back into my chambers after breakfast, I rush into my bathroom and reach into the front of my dress.
      I pull out the the bundled napkins and empty out the contents.
      The pomegranate slices I had stolen from the table roll out onto the counter as I go straight to work.

Pomegranate Seeds.

     I had picked up on this one detail in one of my many strange dreams.
"Sorry I must decline, I am deathly allergic to Pomegranates", I recall in a furrowed trance.

      Glancing back down at the slice in my hand, I work swiftly as I gently scrape the seeds and place them onto the napkin. Something stirs in my stomach at the sight and smell of the fruit.
      These seeds will serve 2 purposes, I think to myself as I shakily bring the napkin up to my mouth. I let out a deep, shaky breath and force my eyes shut as I throw the seeds back and swallow them down.

      The deal is simple: If my body reacts to the fruit, then I will no longer have any reason to deny the significance of my strangely familiar dreams and visions. If not however, I will subdue my suspicions and retire the plan, assuming they are nothing more than just dreams. The course of the next few hours, will depend on this.

      I quickly dispose of the napkins and shells, and work to get the dye off of my fingers.
      Exiting the bathroom, I hastily make my way to the bed, and allow myself to rest against the soft surface. Waiting...It should only take a few minutes, so I need to time this correctly.
I stare up at the ceiling toying with my fingers as a million more questions run circles through my mind. I feel scared. Scared that I will miss out on this opportunity to discover the truth about my past. Scared that I won't...

Letting out a deep breath, I ready myself and stand propped against the doorway, my slippers snug on my feet. I clear my throat and let out one last shaky breath.

"Violetta!" I call, trying to sound as calm as I can.

     Interlocking my fingers to keep from shaking, I back away from the doorway. A few brief moments later, I hear a soft tapping.

      "Come in, please!" I greet warmly. The door opens, as Violetta's short figure appears. She makes her way in and gives me a polite curtsy.

    "Is everything okay, highness?"

      She looks up at me and concern etches it's way onto her face.
       I can feel the bullets of sweat forming on my forehead. I clench my hands tighter together to conceal their violent shaking, which is no longer being caused by nerves.

      I breathe out in shock as realization dawns over me. The seeds are working. I. Can't. Believe. It. Weight of what this means come crashing down on me like a waterfall, as I run them over and over again in my mind- they aren't just dreams. But memories. They felt so familiar because they were.

      This also means another very important thing: I have to act really, really fast. Trying hard to compose myself, I fight the reactions and try to look as calm as possible.

      "Ev-erything is well", I let out as calmly as I can, stifling a cough.

      I clear my throat and straighten my posture, my hands still tightly clasped together.

      "I was just feeling a bit, under the weather. I just need some fr-esh air after a wild morning with my husband", I let out and wink. My body feels as though it were being engulfed in flames. I can feel the dampness making its way down my back as the temperature further rises.

      "No problem highness, I shall go down and retrieve his majesty at once to accompany you"

      "-No! Please, no need." I interject.

     As confusion creeps onto her face, I quickly continue:

      "I-I wanted to ask you to accompany me instead. I am embarrassed you see," I add on, hoping my flustered appearance can back me.

      "After sharing, erhm, an intense moment with Hades, I do not wish to bother him anymore than I need to. Plus, I am well enough aware of his wrath to try anything stupid, for I am his Queen as he is my King, am I not?" I finish. I feel a pang of guilt in my twisting in my heart from lying to Violetta. The plan is already too far in motion to stop. Plus, I needed the truth.

      Her gaze finds mine and I hold onto it as best I can, resisting the urge to throw up.

      She stares back at me, studying me for a few seconds longer before she finally sighs and gives in.

     "Very well highness. Should I give you time to change?"
"-That won't be necessary", I quickly respond, leading the way out through the door.

       At first I am approached by two guards, but Violetta, who is trailing not too far behind me, quickly waves them away.
   At first they hesitate, but they eventually obey her signal and retreat back to their posts.

      I clear my throat again, fighting back more coughs. Hastening my wobbly pace down the stairs, I swiftly trudge towards the large, garden doors.
      My body betrays me as it gives way to a violent quaking. I must keep fighting. I MUST make it to that garden.

      As soon as we reach the glass, I push past the doors after Violetta once again signals another pair of guards away.

      I rush out into the open air and take deep, heaving breaths. Just a little further.

      I urge myself forward as the shaking and coughing take over.
      My dress is drenched in sweat and my lungs hopelessly contract. Every inch of my body hurts.
      I collapse into the rose-thorn garden.

As I lay there coughing and heaving, my body tunes out all noise in my surroundings. I must force myself to focus on the what I came here for:

The roses.

      With the last of my strength, I reach out and pluck the nearest one.

*Brief Flashback*

"I said they couldn't cut you. I never said they couldn't still hurt you dear. These roses are stronger than a warden's key",

* End Flashback *

"Let's hope you're right once again",
      I whisper, sticking the rose down my dress as my surroundings go dark.

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