Robbie lightly smacked the dark-skinned boy on the arm. "Hey!"

"What? It's true?" Andre gapes, staring at the curly-haired boy.

"You know, this makes me wonder if I will ever find my match one day," Tori says suddenly, leaning her head on her arms in front of the table and running a hand through her chocolate strands. "That'd be nice, I guess."

"Don't worry, Tor, I'm sure you will find them one day," Andre gazes down at Tori, placing a comforted hand on the brunette, patting her back with his hand and rubbing up and down soothingly. The boy grits his teeth. "Who knows, they might just be here at this school."

Tori let out a warm sigh, burying her head deeper into her arms. "Do you really think that though? What if I finally find them 5, 10, or 20 years from now. What about never?"

"Tori, you don't know the right time yet," Andre says softly. "They might be around here too, you just don't know it yet. Plus, you have plenty of time in your life to find someone to settle down with."

Tori let out another long, exaggerated sigh as Beck and Jade finally make it towards their table, making the brunette's head spring up just from sensing their presence near. Tori gazes with her mouth slightly agape as the girl walks gracefully towards their table, sipping on her cup of coffee. 

As Jade spots the brunette with bright eyes, she pushes her way in front of Beck to land on the spot next to Tori as Beck places himself on the other side of Jade, narrowing his brows at the sight and of Jade pushing him away to sit beside Tori of all people, which is something that has... rarely ever happened. 

"Hey guys." Tori greets the pair, pulling back some wild pieces of hair behind her ear.

"Hey, Tori." they both say at the same time, with Jade shooting Tori a pleasant smile and a teasing lift of a brow, making the brunette shyly hide her face away with a nervous smile creeping into her face. Her cheeks felt the warm the moment her hands made contact with them𑁋Jade's teasing seemed to have increased its impact on her and she wasn't sure whether or not it was a good thing or not. 

Andre saves her, thankfully, though he was unaware of Tori's complicated feelings towards the raven-haired girl. "Y'all won't believe what just happened today."

Jade continues to sip her coffee, not bothering to know more about the big news, and Beck switches his attention towards Andre immediately, who was lightly jumping up and down in his seat excitedly. Robbie just stares in Andre's direction, practically begging him with his eyes to shut up.

"So, what's the big news?" Beck asks curiously, raising an eyebrow.

"Well..." he clears his throat as Beck motions for him to continue. Andre glances curiously towards the couple𑁋to which Robbie was still shooting daggers towards him𑁋before letting it out.

"Robbie and Cat are together!" Andre announces, however quickly noticing how loudly he was as the other students around their table turned and stared in their direction with surprised looks on their faces.

Robbie and Cat exchange a brief glance towards each other before Cat lifts her arms up into the air, pumping her fists up and down and cheering proudly as all of the eyes in the Asphalt Cafe all turn in their direction, making Jade cringe internally from the feeling, even though they weren't on her. 

"Surrrrrrrrrrprise!" she exclaims happily, locking her arms around Robbie's neck. Robbie just laughs it off, pecking a small kiss on her forehead and bringing the girl closer towards him.

After a few moments, Jade faintly smiles proudly to herself, seeing her best friend finally find her match. She had really expected it though, considering that Robbie had had the longest crush on Cat ever since the two of them met for the first time 3 years ago. It made her happy knowing that her ditzy best friend finally found someone that made her happy: the ditzy red-head and the awkward and funny ventriloquist. The smile quickly fades off her face though to the thought of finding someone who would be able to deal with all of her𑁋her attitude, her insecurities about herself, her internal problems, and worst of all, her thoughts.  

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