Maid 31.

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"You're sittin' in your chair by the window looking out at the city and I bet sometimes you wonder about me, and I just wanna tell you, it takes everything in me not to call you, and I wish I could run to you. And I hope you know that every time I don't," I Almost Do, Taylor Swift

Two to three days had passed by since I last spoke to Nishan and last texted Travis. I was a bit bothered by it, but what could I do about it? Nothing. The ball was in their court and it was up to them to decide whether or not they wanted to talk to me. I was worn out, trying to sort through my own problems and I needed to do that first before trying to help anyone else.

Maybe not.

Either way, I had to act because the hits were becoming harder on Nishan after the mayor went public about him being fired and why he was.

"So what exactly are we looking for?" Andrew flicked his gaze to me as I sat down next to him, pulling my chair closer to him. "So we're looking for anything suspicious in this video," I pointed to his laptop screen as he began to click through the video that Michael gave me. Turns out, the security team complied with his wish of giving them the footage from the day and night the package was delivered. No one knew of the camera at the gate, so I was going to use it for our advantage.

"Try around 8:30, 9ish," I mumbled, trying to recall the time. I had Andrew here in the computer lab for help because as good as I was with technology, he was better and I was going to need his skills if we came across anything good. "Okay," He replied with a nod, using the arrow buttons to fast forward through the time. I appeared on screen, letting myself in as I dialed the code, completely unaware of how stupid I looked. Whatever. "This is nothing important," I blushed as Andrew chuckled, increasing the tempo of the forward motion.

"Okay, we're getting closer," I said as I looked at the timestamp, seeing that the time was getting closer to 8:30, no one on the camera. I had no clue what I was looking for, but it had to be a man holding a box that resembled the box that Nishan received. I didn't even know why I stayed after my classes ended just to do this for him. That ought to teach him a lesson and realize that no matter how much he tried to push me away, like a brick wall, I wasn't going to move or budge just a bit. Maybe even give him a little time to think about what he was going through, but I wouldn't abandon him like that.

I rolled my eyes, snorting to myself. He was a fucking idiot and if he just thought about it for two seconds, he would see that there was something off about this picture. "Oh!" I blinked at the timestamp landed on 8:46:06 and a man with a black hoodie covering his face appeared on the screen. "There!" I pointed to the computer and Andrew zoomed in a little closer, allowing me to see the color of the person's skin at least. "Hold on," Andrew muttered before typing in code on the software, brightening up the quality of the footage. "Come on, come on," I bit my lip, waiting for him to look up at the light that was disguised as a camera. The dude looked around the area, making sure that he was alone before opening the package carrier that was attached to the wall of the gate.

"Come on..." I clicked my teeth and all of a sudden, the dude looked up and stared into the camera, uncertainty written in his eyes as the light disclosed his features. "There!" I screeched and Andrew paused it on sight, taking a screenshot of the man's face. "Can you check your email?" I asked and he nodded. "I sent you a picture of Diego Tatum," I thought back to the picture that I found when I went through Nishan's old room, seeing a picture of the two on their first day in the force.

"This it?" Andrew asked as he pulled it up next to the screenshot of the man. "I want to see if they are the same person," It looked like it was, but we had to be sure. "Yes, sure, gimme one sec," Andrew said as he tapped away at the keyboard, typing in a series of codes as the two pictures began to light up on the screen. I really enjoyed the fact that I could count on him for doing this, no questions asked. He didn't even seem the slightest concerned, but it was probably because he knew that I had some role with the whole Easton case.

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