Maid 19.

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"I got my eyes on you. You're everything that I see, I want your hot love and emotion endlessly. I can't get over you. You left your mark on me," Hold On, We're Going Home, Drake

Eight unread text messages.

Six missed Facetime video calls.

Five missed calls.

All from the same number.

I rolled my eyes, listening to a groan as I shifted in the bed a little bit. "Travis, move your fat ass," I hissed, trying to pull the blanket from him as it was cold in my room and my pet decided to leave, not giving me any of her warmth. "Shut up, Ez," A raspy voice broke the silence as the sun broke through the window blinds, letting us know that it was morning. "It's Saturday, for fuck's sake," Travis grumbled, shoving his head into the pillow.

It was Saturday and it didn't make any sense as to why my phone was ringing off the hook like somebody had died. It didn't matter anyway anymore but I felt just a bit sad because I left Noelani behind and there was no way that I could get over a bond like that so easily. 

But it was over.

Just then, my phone started to vibrate in my hand, the sound echoing in the room. "Just answer the damn phone, Ez!" Travis pushed my chest and I rolled my eyes, deciding to just get it over with. "Hello?" I muttered into the phone, hearing a breath hitch on the other side. "Ezra," I closed my eyes as I gritted my teeth, instantly knowing whose hopeful voice that was. I took a deep breath and regulated my emotions, willing myself to stay firm. "Nishan." I knew it wasn't his fault for anything, 

"Can you please come back?"I had to make sure that I wasn't hallucinating, that this wasn't some dream that I conjured up in the hopes to make the angry and judgemental Nishan into one that was sweet and caring, loving me the way that I wanted. Of course, it was nothing like my reality.

"Why?" I questioned, shaking my head even though he couldn't see me. "Why should I put myself in that position again? Give me one good motherfucking reason," I hissed, sitting up in the bed, making sure that my voice didn't reach Travis's ears. I didn't want him to realize how dire this situation was and how much each person in that family sordidly depended on me. I meant what I said, even if my heart didn't agree.


Nishan sounded so broken, so out of it. He sounded as if he was relying on me to be his last hope and I shut my eyes, heaving a sigh. I could hear myself in him and it pained me because I just knew I wouldn't have been able to give up on him.

"I'll be there in fifteen."

I regretted my decision of telling Travis to drive me there as soon as we got on the stairs, waiting for the door to open. I regretted it instantly because the son of the Lawrence family was happy until he wasn't. 

Nishan stood in the doorway, his jaw taut and clenched as he stared at the hand that was on my shoulder. Even if Travis couldn't sense it, I could see the black aura around him that was threatening to burn and incinerate Travis on the spot, just for having his hand on my shoulder. Nishan didn't even look at me. He just kept his steely gaze on Travis and it appeared that the latter was staring back. 

"U-um," I broke the uncomfortable silence. "Nishan, this is my best friend, Travis," All he did was nod in his direction, his lips still firm and eyes still narrowed. The torrent vision of contempt swirled around in his mismatched eyes, poison sneaking through his expression as he pinned Travis to the floor with just one look. "Travis, this is Nishan Lawrence," I introduced them, but I got the feeling that they didn't seem to like each other but it was stifling.

I could see Nishan's hand clenching and I swallowed, turning to Travis as I slowly removed his hand from my shoulder casually. "I'll call you when I'm ready to leave," He slowly nodded but Nishan cut in. "No need. I'll take you home." He said it in such a matter-of-fact tone that left no type of room for discussion. 

Maid For His Love {mxm}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora