Maid 20.

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"We messed around until we found the one thing we said we could never ever live without and not allowed to talk about it but I gotta tell you. Cause we are who we are when no one's watching," I Won't Mind, Zayn

I didn't know why I came back.

I really had no reason to be here. I had nothing left here except for a few things. I had no purpose here, other than to just get that money and bounce but it was highly apparent that I just couldn't stop sticking my nose in things and I wasn't even sure where it got me. I uncovered a lot more secrets about each member of this family and how their staff just swept it under the rug because they were too scared to confront it. I didn't know if that made me brave or just plain stupid.

But I came back nonetheless. 

"Good morning, Ezra!" I felt an arm around my shoulder as I swept the trash up into a pile. "Oh, hey Natalie," I smiled softly, seeing her look a lot more radiant than the last time I saw her, which was a week ago. "Where are you headed to?" I asked as she slipped on some flats, reaching for her purse on the hook. "I'm going to a group session. I should be back later," I nodded as I watched her walk towards the door, feeling oddly pleased with myself. She had taken my advice and gone to therapy and group sessions with other women in the same predicament as she. Because she did, she was a lot happier.

I checked the time, seeing that it was after seven. Eve had asked me to stay until 10 PM for an additional grand and my broke ass accepted. Bills ain't pay themselves, you know?

Everything around here was different, even the air. Before, it felt stifling and suffocating as if one was afraid to take a deep breath and let it resonate. Now, it seems as there was a scent of flowers that permeated the room, no matter which one you walked into, and one could breathe without fear of choking.

"It seems as if you just couldn't do what you were told," I heard a voice to the left of me and I turned to see Michael standing there, a small grin on his face as his eyes softened upon the sight of me. "Well, I suppose that it was a good thing that you came to work here," It was no secret of what happened around here. People listened through the walls and now the entire house knew from start to finish the events of what took place. From Easton to Naomi, and Natalie's miscarriage, to Nishan's sexual assault, Leon's abuse, and Eve's behavior, everyone knew, though they didn't expect for there to be any change.

"I never thought I'd see the day where Eve and Leon go out into the public together," He whispered and I nodded, fully realizing what a phenomenal change that was. "So you have my endless gratitude, Mr. Moore," Michael gripped my shoulder and I snorted. "Thanks, Michael, but I did nothing," Sure, I gave them the push that they needed in order to get this family fixed, but the rest was all on them. They had to want to, and they did.

"Ah, ever so humble, Mr. Moore. Your time here really has helped you grow, didn't it?" He let out a breath of relief and I stared at him, questioning what he was talking about. Nevertheless, I let his words go to the back of my mind. "You know, Michael, the craziest thing happened to me on Monday!" I put the broom against the wall as he readied himself to listen to me. I took a step back to recall the great news that my professor told me. 

"Good afternoon, Mr. Moore," Professor Keaton found me loitering in the hallway after class was dismissed. "I hope you took some time to think about my offer," She asked, reminding me of the new president of the fraternity position. I nodded, knowing that I'd be an idiot to pass up something like this. "Yea, yea, I decided to go with it," I was extremely nervous because I had never done something like that before, something so out of reach of my comfort zone. But even I knew that this was an opportunity that would help my career.

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