Maid 29.

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"Why am I so emotional? This is not a good look, gain some self-control. And deep down I know this never works, but you can lay with me so it doesn't hurt. Oh, won't you stay with me? Cuz' you're all I need," Stay With Me, Sam Smith

It was crazy how much time flew. 

"Aw," I felt a manicured finger poke my cheek and I scowled, turning to glare at the mother of my best friend. "You look so happy, Eazy E!" I rolled my eyes at the disgusting nickname, a retort on my lips ready for one Serina Walker. "Get your hands off of me, ma." I replied and she snickered. slinking back to go check on her chocolate chip cookies in the oven. "And yes, I am happy," I felt a tug on my collar and I looked down to see Noelani pulling at it. 

"Does it have anything to do with that hunk of a man who I saw in that picture with you?" She raised a brow, referring to that magazine with that huge scandal. Surprisingly, I hadn't had much backlash about it. If anything, there was a support group going on Instagram for Nishan and I, according to Natalie. There was a dubious amount of fanart, stories, pictures from the media, anything people could get their hands on. I didn't know whether I liked it or if I found it creepy.

"Yea, something like that," I waved a hand at her, wondering where Travis was. I told him that I was gonna go by his mom's house to see what she was up to and I kinda thought that he would be here. He had been acting a little off for the last week and a half, and I was trying to understand why. 

Ezra Moore: i'm here with your mom. Are you gonna come by?

Bad Boi Trav: sure.

Ezra Moore: okay, I'll be here waiting.

Bad Boi Trav: k.

I was really trying to understand what it was that was making him act this way towards me. He seemed to be okay with Nishan in the picture, even going so far to declare himself the uncle of Noelani, so I couldn't put together where this newfound attitude came from. I had tried asking him what it was that was making him this way, but he just brushed me off.

"You know, have you noticed?" Serina asked and I tilted my head in confusion, shaking my head. "You've stopped stuttering." I furrowed my brow, not having paid any attention to the way I spoke. "I guess so??" I wasn't sure what she was trying to get at, but at least something about me had changed. "It's a good thing, don't worry. Shows how far you've come," She smiled softly and I nodded, remembering the time four years ago, when I met her. I was a stuttering piece of crap who was afraid to look people in the eye. Time really brought out some parts of me. 

Speaking of time, it was nearing the middle of November, which meant that I had less than a month left of college life. Yeah, your boy was graduating early because I had more than enough credits and experience to go directly into my dream job. 

"Look," Serina pointed through the door of the kitchen to the television in the living room. "Let me go in there," I carried Noelani into the living room and sat down, watching one of the talk shows. I turned up the volume as it tuned in, unsure of why I felt the need to sit here and watch this.

"Good afternoon, San Antonio! Today, we have a special guest here with me," Another media sensation Anna Martin of the San Antonio Scoop sat on set with a blurry figure next to her, waiting to reveal who it was, and I was no doubt curious as well. "You guys may know him as the highest-paid model around the world," My heart started to skip a beat as the blurriness began to fade away. "But we know him as our very own Chief of Police," A grin came to my lips as that long and curly hair became even more evident, revealing that smirk that I saw every day.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please give me a hand in welcoming Nishan Lawrence!" 

Everyone in the audience started to clap and Noelani decided to follow suit, cooing and babbling at the screen. "Yah!" She screamed happily, wiggling around in her pink tutu. "Oh? Seems like someone recognizes papa," Serina chuckled as she came to sit down next to me, ignoring the burn of my cheeks. "Thank you for having me, Anna," Nishan resounded in a smooth voice, looking as delicious as ever in those ripped black jeans, that tight white shirt donned with a black leather jacket and that chain around his neck, down to those smooth and shiny black boots. 

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