EPISODE TWELVE: Room x Service

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There's one web on a tree where two spiders live. In the center of the web is a moth caught on the strands, and on each side are the spiders fighting to get to it first. It's carnal, and neither want to give up the claim they've staked on the moth. The moth is caught between this fight, fluttering to get free, but once you're in the web... there's no getting out.

[Y/N] vigorously wiped down the reception desk with a microfiber cloth and some wood cleaner. There was no need to clean it, for it rarely was touched and only collected dust from the usual lack of inflow from outside. Besides the lowstringers coming in for a place to stay, every other room was empty and waiting to prepped and occupied. With all the other glamorous hotels in the glitzy city, however, Legends didn't stand a chance in the face of everything new. It was early into her shift, and she was feeling rather comfortable in her own skin at the moment with the joy of having another quiet night away from the house. Luckily for her, a part of her being raised to be a notable woman of wealth was to hold a job at some point in her youth to teach her responsibility and hospitality. If anything, it definitely gave her time to relax.

Her mind drifted back to earlier that morning where Hisoka was passively indulging the freshmen girls, her lips quirking to a frown on one side. She found herself envying those girls again. What was it like to wear sweatpants to school and be warm? The girl found herself wanting to be cute in casual clothing and not cold from the stiff fabrics of her mother's tailor. Staring down at the rich, reflective wood grain, she could see herself in imagination. The heiress shook her head gently. Why did she torture herself constantly with these thoughts? She should feel lucky to be born into such power, it was a privilege. Her [ color ] eyes observed her ring finger flippantly, trying to picture a wedding band around it. She could only imagine the sheer weight of that final chain around her, and Aitowa as well. What did he want from life? She never really considered his side of things because she was so intent on hating him for existing in her life.

She tossed the rag down carelessly and went to pick up the broom behind her. Maybe staying still for too long was her issue, it gave her too much time to think. She needed to stop thinking. It made her feel worse. The girl forced a tune from her throat as she began sweeping in circles, following the pattern in the tile. It comforted her to lose herself in her humming, pretending to be a girl she wasn't. When she was at the hotel she liked to picture she was a normal girl, maybe a relative of the man owning this place, who was aiming to be someone substantial. A girl who liked painting in parks, watching movies, and hanging out with the delinquent following her around at school. There were no consequences for that girl. So, when she was that girl, she was happy. [Y/N] smiled, feeling her loose hair swing around her as she turned, ruining the miniscule dust pile she had formed. Her mind went back to thinking of a certain redhead, already looking forward to another tutoring session. If she was lucky her father would out on another business trip and would bring her mother along for the ride within the week. They were always travelling. Then maybe she and Hisoka could go swimming again, or play a card game.

She was ripped out of her reverie by the old phone at the front desk ringing. For a brief second she hung there like a deer in the headlights. That phone never rang. A small "oh!" left her as she realized she needed to answer it, and she scurried back over.

"Hello, my name is [Y/N], and this is the hotel Legends. Is there something I can help you with?" Her words came out a jumble, mind scrambling for a professional spiel.

There was a momentary silence on the other end. Then, a familiar raggedy voice. "Hey there, girlie. Does this hotel have any... room service?"

"Um, yes. It does." Her stomach began twisting. That was Pearson on the other end of the the call. She felt her hands get clammy, fingers curling more tight around the phone. "Our kitchen staff has already been dismissed, so I can't offer any food. I can get you linens, pillows, and ice though instead if that's what you need."

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