EPISODE SEVEN: Circus x Night

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Are you ready for a show?

[Y/N]'s eyelids felt pleasantly heavy with the makeup dusted across her features, and her vision was rimmed with darkness from the coats of mascara and the feathery false lashes laid on top. She had been given the entire day to make herself clean and presentable, and so her skin was scrubbed with sugars and smoothed with lotions. Her hair was lathered and rinsed, and then molded into gentle curls, her bangs blowed dried to sit right at the browline. Her [ color ] hair was pulled up into two levels. Her dress was cool and silky, the outer layer intricately laced with glitter and fine gems, contrasting against the deep violet like stars. The bodice of the gown was sheer, the opacity coming from the beading, and the sleeves reached to her elbows. The neckline plunged to the center of her diaphragm, but the long length elegance of the gown made up for the slight exposure. Around [Y/N], the other viewers were dressed similarly in bright or dull colored formal dresses. The bright lights of the jovial circus bounced off of the pearls of the ladies and the watches of the men. Somehow, the shifting lights made everything appear surreal and cartoonish, for the flesh of everyone around her seemed to glow.

"Are you ready to go in, dear?" The male next to her, dressed similarly in deep violet accentuated with silver, asked politely. His hair was dark, and his eyes were a dull, rusty orange. The rose in his lapel matched the royal blue corsage he had slipped onto her wrist. His name was Aitowa, and he was her fiance.

Her enhanced [ color ] eyes shifted away from his face and set forwards, eyeing the curtain. "Yes." Her tone was plain, not putting in the effort for him. She always made it clear to him that she found him extremely dull.

His lips quirked into a frown at her disinterest, irritated by her lack of trying. Personally, he didn't feel that much attracted to her either, but at least he could pretend. "Then I guess we should proceed, shall we not?"

He offered his arm to her, and she took it gently with her gloved hands. Her eyes trailed beyond the guard rails and observed the stage with its spots lighting the areas of the circular platform. She recognized the lithe form of the woman from the hotel, who was balancing on a large ball and was juggling pins. She didn't see Pearson however, and the thought brought a melange of relief, disappointment, and apprehension. When she briefly closed her eyes to envision the encounter at her frontdesk, the pulsations of the neon lavender and pink lights beat against her eyes. The pulsations of color distorted the face of the performer, and she clicked her tongue, resorting to reopen her eyes.

She was being guided to the seats, and the scent of sugary roasted nuts and sweet cotton candy attacked her nose. It smelled cozy, and discreetly she took a deep breath of the aroma, picking up on hints of popcorn. The air was warm from the circulating people and the fire lit at the corners of the surrounding audience seats. The contrast of how rich everything was here compared to her neutrally toned home adrenalized her, and she wished they had come many times before now.

"Over there." She murmured, nudging Aitowa gently. His gaze followed her movement and fell onto both affluent families sitting in close proximity. His response was a sigh, and they moved to sit.

She was barely seated for a moment before the lights cut off in a black out, and the sea of viewers reduced their volume to a dull roar of excited whispers. Despite herself, she was also thrilled inside to see something so whimsical.

The lights came up again, and there was a cheer, the stage lit in a jovial amber. Acrobats tumbled across the platform, and balancers cycled on balls and unicycles. Contortionists twisted and leapt across in beat to the bouncy music. At the drop of the bass, the lights went out again, and a single spot came down on a distinct silhouette in what she could guess was a suit.

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