EPISODE TWENTY ONE: Fall break begins

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When [ Y/N ] awoke, her skin was covered in goosebumps and the back of her skull ached from the tile behind it. She swallowed, feeling the dryness in her mouth and the staleness on her tongue. Her arm lifted off the cool white tile to rub her eyes, the rest returning her energy to her. Her groggy eyes opened slowly to stare at the light above her, and quickly blinked out the sleep from them. When she sat up, she realized she felt good. Her hand traced her stomach where the pain had been, finding that it didn't remain and that her chest didn't hurt when she moved her arm. Perhaps it was healing, after all. Doubt still pursued her thoughts, but she wanted to remain optimistic. She smiled to herself, glad it was the weekend and the start of fall break, because she wouldn't have woken in time for school otherwise. She stood, and observed that the grooves of the tile were carved into her skin, forming geometric patterns on her calves and arms, and she guessed her cheek too. The girl turned on the shower, and while it heated up, picked out some running clothes. Even though she would just get sweaty again running, she felt too gross after sleeping on the ground to not rinse off.

The water felt good against her skin and she kept her hair out of the stream, opting to wash it later. The girl quickly rinsed off with her [ scent ] bodywash, and then dried off. After, she went about completing her morning hygienic ritual.

As she was pulling on her shoes, feeling fresh, she checked her phone, which was resting beside her. Surprise lit up her countenance when she saw Hisoka's name on the screen, and also the time. It was nearly noon! It amazed her that her mother or one of the maids hadn't found her sprawled out on the tile. She snickered to herself at the mental image of either female reacting to such a sight, and swiped to read the message.

Come to the park. 12. ~♡

The girl giggled quietly, seeing that he texted her that easily an hour ago, and that it was now a few minutes passed. Oops. Sorry, Hisoka. She slid her phone into her pocket, quietly jogging down the stairs and to the front door. She saw the lights on in her father's office, and poked her head in past the threshold.

"I'm going out for a run." She informed, eyes sweeping over the immaculate space. Though there were many papers and filing cabinets reaching high above their heads, everything was neatly stacked and sorted. Her father clicked out of a tab before facing her.

"Alright, be back and clean by dinner time, the Glams are coming over. Have a nice run." He gave her a half-hearted smile, and turned back to his computer.

"Thanks." She chimed, and then left.

The fresh, warm afternoon air filled her lungs and she felt energized, eager to meet the day and see what Hisoka wanted. She wasn't quite sure what put her in such a good mood, considering the night before had been busy, and frightening. Perhaps it was the fact she didn't have a lingering weight centered on her chest, or a ghostly ache following her movements. She felt lighter than she had in a long time. A wide smile naturally found its way to her lips, her eyes lifting with the subconscious movement.

Her feet beat against the asphalt, rhythmic and steady. The heiress felt a surge of pride, happy that she had the stamina to run still even though she had been neglecting her exercise. Feeling that strength remained in her lean muscle increased her confidence, and she was grinning as she approached the front of the park. Her eyes scanned the area, and she didn't see her devilish redhead friend anywhere. [ Y/N ] hummed, slowing to a walk, pausing by the benches.

Her eyes fell to the forest in the distance, and recalled he had been there once before, not just at the benches. She began to make her way towards the shady trees, but her steps faltered as two heavy arms wrapped around her shoulders.

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