EPISODE EIGHT: Teenage x Rebellion x Sparks

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A common phrase is: "Mother knows best." But is that always the case? For there are mothers out there who only wish for their own interests instead of the wishes of their daughters. From the femininity comes hostility and judgement. The words that come from a mother's mouth scald hotter than any insult from a friend or enemy, because a mother is only expected to tell the truth.

It was midweek, and school was back in session. Already, [Y/N] felt bored with her classes and classmates because everything was still so routine. Luckily, another three day weekend was on the horizon so she only had to hold onto that in order to make it through. Being it a new month and also the third day, there had been a fire drill to remind students of how to properly exit a burning building. Oddly, she hadn't seen Hisoka out in the sea of students while they huddled in the parking lot, some students jeering at passing cars on the roads. It was a strange feeling for her to experience, the anticipation of looking for someone you assume to be there, and then almost missing them when they are absent. Maybe she had finally given in to liking him slightly more than before, when she was first inconvenienced with him in the class.

So it was lunch time, noon. The heiress was walking in with Yulia and Eila, her family friends she's known since young. She was bored with them too, she was bored with everyone. She was tired of them.

There was already a thick tangle of teenagers clamoring for tables and sorting through chairs to nab for friends. The lines were growing lengthy for the cafeteria food, which was in itself undesirable. Unusually, there was a warmth wafting from the air vents above, which meant that over break the air conditioning unit probably broke, which was also routine. In the typically chilly building, jackets were being shed.

[Y/N] removed her fluffy jacket that was sheltering her slight frame, revealing her bright blue button-up tucked into her white skirt. In her opinion, she was very pretty today.

"Wow, [Y/N], you look super thin today!" Eila exclaimed loudly, causing the heiress to flush and look around in hopes no one noticed her boisterous remarks. Luckily, no one paid the three of them any mind. "Have you been dieting?"

She shook her head, "No. Maybe I've just been stressed?" Her [ color ] eyes shifted downwards to the floor, it wasn't exactly a lie. She was under a lot of pressure, constantly.

"Oh. Maybe I should be stressed too!" Eila joked, and Yulia slapped the ditsy girl's arm in disapproval.

[Y/N] felt a pang of amusement despite her previous sentiments. "You're perfectly fine, Eila. You too, Yulia."

Yulia shrugged off the compliment, not one for sappy sentiment. She slung off her backpack with a huff and they all sat in unison. The calm female pulled out a fat binder filled with notes and packets, dropping it heavily on the faux wooden table. "Well, I've got a yacht load of economic homework."

It was about this time that the heiress began to zone out of the conversation again, not feeling a compulsion to assist Yulia with her work.

She found herself searching the crowd until her disinterested eyes fell on a familiar and not unwelcome pair of gleaming yellow eyes. A smile picked at the corners of her mouth.

In the same corner as when she first found him, Hisoka was sitting there in all his glory. He had his cards spread on the table, a form-fitting magenta sweater giving his physique a more prominent outline against all the rest. There were girls giggling behind him as they walked by, and she wasn't surprised, despite his danger Hisoka always attracted the inexperienced freshmen. He was already staring at her, as if anticipating her want to find him.

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