Homecoming (Goth Marco x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"I've never had a date for this, but my sister usually dresses casually for the game and takes a dress to change into after." You release your grip to look up at him. "So I should carry a dress in a bag?" You hum in thought. A brilliant idea blooms in your head. "I think I have a better idea and then you can finally have a good memory for the event." You lower him for a kiss. "Hello by the way."

"Hi, babe." He chuckled again kissing you back and placing another sweet kiss on your nose, "You could keep the dress in my truck. I'm sure as long as you're with me I'll have a good memory." A simple tugs your lips as you interlock fingers. "You're so sweet. Come on, let's head to a diner. I'm starving."

"Me too." He squeezed your hand and walked with you up to his truck, "Do you want to come to my house or go out?" You lean against his arm. "Let's go out. I have been dying for a hamburger." You chirped.


           Homecoming, what an honor for those whose schools do not commemorate such an event. Standing in front of the mirror, you model your choice of outfits. Plenty of combinations between casual and a dress for the dance. One the one hand, decision making is stressing you out when your 'lovely' mother rains on your parade with suggestions of what to wear. Her taste is that of the seventies while you're trying to stick to your era.

"What a delight that you will be going to a dance. Finally! It's every teenage dream, you'll love it, but um--don't wear that outfit. It makes you look like one of those street fighting maniacs." She commented. Your smile deflates into irritation. "Seriously? Mother, you are not going with me so what does it matter? I'm dressing to impress. Now If you are not going to say anything nice, then leave." You argued. "Come now (Y/n), let's not be hasty. I was merely giving you my opinion so you can dazzle the world wherever you go. I also don't want my daughter dressing like some sort of fool." She mumbled the last word. You groan in outrage ready to snap. Instead, you have a clever idea of redirecting her elsewhere. "You're right." You lied. "Maybe I should give you the honors of dressing me. What if I borrow one of your dresses? I think I can 'wow' the crowd with it." Your mother gasps, with tears, pricked on the edges of her eyes. "What a grand idea! I'll be right back." She merely trots away. Quickly, you throw on some boots and a jean jacket over your puffy dress skirt making a beeline to the elevator down the hall of the condo. You lean against the wall of entrance for the blonde onset time.


"I cannot believe you're actually coming to the game and the dance." Lyn, his unofficial twin sister, practically squealed. "It isn't that big of a deal - yoi." He rolled his eyes at her enthusiasm, "Homecoming is pretty informal, and Y/N wants to see what it's all about. I couldn't deny her that."

"So sweet~" she gushed pinching his cheek, "Does this mean I get to meet her?"

"Reel it in, lass." Their father interrupted entering the kitchen where they sat, "he'll let you meet her when he's ready." The brunette pouted. "Fi-ne." She clung to her brother again. "Oh! Do you need help with your makeup? I just got a new smokey eye pallet and I wanna see how it looks on those baby blues."

"What a weird conversation to walk in on." Their eldest brother, Thatch, entered the room with their youngest in his arms crying. "What happened to Luffy?" Marco asked standing to inspect the toddler. "A-ace p-pushed me... An...and I scraped my kne-e." The little raven whined through his tears.

After tending to his baby brother's wound Marco went up to knock on his sister's door. It swung open allowing her loud music to flood the hallway. "Ha! I knew you'd let me try it on you." She chuckled sitting him down at her vanity and grabbing the large caboodle kit that housed her makeup. "Nothing with glitter - yoi." He muttered. "I learned my lesson." She scoffed getting straight to work on him. "I need to dye your hair again."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2019 ⏰

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